Insufficient physical activity and sleep for more than 8 out of 10 children between 3 and 4 years old

Beyond 8 out of 10 children between 3 and 4 years old do not reach the physical activity and sleep thresholds recommended byWorld Health Organization and what's more they pass too much time watching videos according to established parameters (WHO). This is what a study published in Jama Pediatrics and produced from data from 33 countries in the world, of three income groups, in six geographic regions.

WHO guidelines recommend 180 minutes per day of total physical activity and 60 minutes per day of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity. Concerning the time spent in front of the PC, the World Health Organization specifies: Don't spend more than an hour a day in front of the screen then recommend one sleep duration of 10/13 hours.

The international study was coordinated by experts from National Applied Statistics Research Institute of Australia and aimed specifically to verify the share of 3 and 4 year old children who meet these guidelines and, more generally, sedentary behaviors in 33 countries.

Physical activity was measured with wrist accelerometers while the information on sleep and screen use were provided by the parents.

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