Independent journalist

Become independent journalist in Italy it is not as simple and clear as it seems. Years of exploitation of aspiring publicists, combined with incorrect practices on the part of newspapers large and small, often serve no purpose and do not guarantee entry into one of the most fascinating professions in the world. Added to this is non-homogeneous regulation of the different regional Orders and an old law – Law No. 69 of 1963 – which regulates the organization of the profession.

Becoming a freelance journalist in Italy: a law more than 60 years old still regulates registrationRegister

Technological innovation is taking giant strides and artificial intelligence is becoming popular in various sectors including journalistic. Yet it seems that, even though the world is changing at a dizzying pace, the rules that govern Italian journalism remain frozen in the 1960s.

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To date, in fact, the law which establishes the rights and duties of the journalist, the order of the profession, the conditions and procedures for registrationRegister is Law No. 69 of February 3, 1963. To aggravate the old and obsolete regulatory framework, there is a deep regulatory divergence between the different regional orders responsible for registration in theRegister in the list of publicists. A factor which complicates, not a little, the path already strewn with pitfalls of the aspirants. The law provides for a Register professional divided into two lists, that of professionals and that of publicists.

To become a professional journalist in the region of residence, there are in principle clear and uniform rules at national level. The profession must be exercised exclusively and continuously. You must complete an 18-month internship period or, failing that, follow a two-year period in one of the recognized schools. Get paid according to the law and finally pass a professional aptitude test.

To become an independent journalist, however, there are no uniform rules between the different regional orders. This creates a gap in the internship, as well as in the training of the aspirants themselves, which differs from region to region. Especially the journalistic activity must be carried out in a regularly registered newspaper, even in a non-exclusive manner, for at least 24 monthsTHE. Write a discretionary number of articles (from 150 in Puglia to 50 in Sardinia – the number may vary depending on the newspaper in which it is published: daily, monthly, the Web). Be paid in accordance with the law in amounts defined at the discretion of the Order of the region of residence of the person submitting the request. Submit a signed statement from the editor of the journal in which the articles were published.

The new guidelines issued by the National Council of the Order of Journalists for becoming an independent journalist

With yet another reform proposal unanimously approved on July 18, 2023, but still stuck in the Government's drawer, the National Council of the Order of Journalists approved the new guidelines on January 30, 2024 to obtain registrationRegister journalists in the list of publicists. Indeed, in order to standardize the lack of homogeneity of the different regulations of the regional Orders, the National Council finally sanctioned the indications, requirements and modalities of registration.

Non-casual and regularly paid journalistic collaborations must be carried out in favor of newspapers, periodicals or journals of broadcasters and radio and television sites online in the two years preceding the submission of the application. Know the founding elements of professional ethics and the legislative framework concerning the profession of journalist (the Regional Council can organize an interview). Is required a number of articles equal to 70 for newspapers and sites online50 for weeklies, 40 for fortnightly and 20 for monthlies and other forms of periodicity. Be paid in accordance with the law for a minimum amount of 1,000 euros gross per year. Submit a signed statement from the editor of the journal in which the articles were published.

The “duty of truth” is the basis of the activity that the journalist will carry out, whether he is a professional or a publicist. In order to guarantee information that complies with ethical principlesand with the constant updating of future professionals, in an extremely changing social context, it is expected that the different regional orders will take advantage of these indications taken by the National Council of Journalists and adapt, as quickly as possible, to the new national guidelines become an independent journalist.

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