Images of Trump with African Americans generated with artificial intelligence to mislead voters

Former US President Donald Trump posing, surrounded by African American men and women. This is what we can see in the images that have been circulating on social networks for months. However, these images are not real photos of Trump, but rather tools to guarantee the now only Republican candidate in the 2024 elections the support of the black community, which during the 2020 vote had supported Biden with 92% of the preferences, as reported by The New York Times. Approval percentage which has now fallen to 71%, giving up potential votes in favor of Trump. It is not yet clear whether Trump was directly informed or involved in the distribution or creation of the images, but there are clear signs that they were generated by artificial intelligence by his supporters.

“If I influenced someone’s vote, that’s not my problem.”

Two images are particularly widespread. In one, Trump is among a group of African-American women and men, hugging two smiling women. In another, the American tycoon poses with young black boys. The second circulates at least since January (archive here), when we already suspected that it was not a photograph. The first, however, was created by Mark Kaye, an American radio speaker who posted it on Facebook saying: “Black Lives Matter community leader supports Donald Trump. I didn't think I'd ever say it, but it happened.” The image was shared as if it were real, without any warning that it was created using artificial intelligence. This last point is beyond doubt, since Kaye, questioned by BBC he admitted that it was he who generated the image, arguing that if anyone's voting intentions were influenced by the image, it would be that person's problem and not his.

Signs of AI

By looking closely at the two images, you will be able to see the signs left by artificial intelligence that might escape you at first glance, especially on a small screen. First of all, in both images, the subjects' skin appears extremely smooth. Where Trump kisses the two women, the left hand of the former tenant of the White House leaves a strange whitish trace between the ring finger and the little finger, while the index finger is extremely pointed. To the viewer's left, a man can be seen placing his hand on the shoulder of the woman to Trump's right. On this hand there is a half finger extending from the same phalanx from which a whole finger emerges. The man right behind him is wearing a hat with incomprehensible writing on it, another typical AI trait. Even in the other image, the logo on one of the boys' hats is unrecognizable.

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