Ilaria Salis and occupied social housing: “12 thousand vacant apartments and 10 thousand families waiting: the institutions do nothing”

MEP Ilaria Salis can finally give interviews alone and no longer by proxy through her father. And in an interview with Republic today she talks about the friction with her father Roberto, who thinks differently politically from her: “My father is liberal but we never discussed that. Anti-fascism is our common denominator.” In fact, he fought for his release: “He did it with his heart and with conviction. I was locked at the bottom of the well, no one heard my voice, He’s the one who got him out.” However, he does not talk about his mother because he respects “her confidentiality”. Today, says Salis, she studies the functioning of the European Parliament, but this new role does not scare her: “I was even more afraid of being in a Hungarian prison.”

The sense of responsibilities

He says he hopes to succeed in Strasbourg “with the sense of responsibility that I feel towards all those who have trusted me. There is pressure and expectations, but I have to do things calmly and clearly, I will put all the courage I have into it.” She says many voted for her “on the issue of my imprisonment and to support the rights of prisoners”. Others for the desire to bring something from below onto the political scene, so I will keep links with the movements. I will take all these experiences with me to Brussels. .” And it will do so “through legislative proposals, motions and other instruments from MEPs. I will fight in defense of prisoners, precarious work, migrants for whom we must assume historic responsibility for deaths at sea and the right to housing.”

The occupation

And here he also talks about the occupation of social housing in Milan: “The famous house of scandal… the police found me there in 2008, when I was 24 years old. Today, I have 40. Since then, they no longer check who lived there, but Aler still accuses me of a debt of 90,000 euros.” Then he explains why he did it: “Let's take Milan , 12,000 vacant public apartments and 10,000 families on the waiting list Real estate movements don't take anything away from anyone, they try to solve a problem in other ways that institutions cannot solve. – he, “I don't feel like a symbol. I feel like I'm a real woman with a story. I'm not alone, I have a community around me who fought for me. sides, which demonstrated the strength of solidarity.”

The anti-Vannacci

Even today, Libero cited the family's cadastral documents, which show that the Salis family owns a villa in Monza and a property in Abetone. Finally, says Salis, he doesn't feel anti-Vannacci: “I'm not anyone's anti. I find it humiliating to reduce politics to a talk show. I'm not interested in becoming a character. » Have you heard of members of the Brothers of Italy making jokes about ethnic replacement, crematoriums, homosexuals? “They disgust me. It is worrying and dangerous that they are tolerated in a country like ours, they emanate from an ideology of death.” Because “prison has not changed me. My ideals are the same.”

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