“I am accompanied by six beautiful women…”, the electoral strategy of the candidate in the regional elections in Sardinia: the embarrassing audio appears

The regional elections in Sardinia on Sunday February 25 are approaching and a candidate from Gallura is convinced of having imagined an innovative ploy to attract the attention of voters: beautiful women in provocative costumes. Six, more precisely, that he said he took with him during his electoral campaign meetings, in a voice message which escaped the secrecy of a private conversation, and which was intended to cause him considerable embarrassment. “I am leading this electoral campaign in a very different way than usual – we hear him say to his interlocutor, as reported Gallura today -. I have six very beautiful women who support me when meeting people.” The reason is easy to explain: “If you show up alone, you are a talking hangdog – he admits -. Instead , with these six friends of mine, very handsome… Two are dressed in leather pants and boots, two in miniskirts and two in leopard print, with pretty open shirts that make a nice show.” It doesn't matter whether it's wind turbines, health care or transport: the substance of the political debate seems doomed to succumb to form. “People find appeal in my speeches, they follow to the last comma – explains the candidate -. I had a meeting where I think someone went home and got his wife pregnant.” Remarks that sparked strong reactions among voters, amused in some cases, outraged in others. But all the world now wants to know the same thing: who is behind the incriminating audio.

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