Hurricane Milton. The HAARP underwater antenna conspiracy theory

What is confused with antennae are structures for coral growth

It's not just conspiracy theories about the NOAA flight flying over Hurricane Milton. This time too, conspiracy theorists are reviving the narrative of 'HAARP technology' behind the formation of the weather event. This time, however, a user discovered the mysterious HAARP underwater antenna installation near Florida via Google Earth. In reality, what we think of as “antennas” is something completely different.

For those in a hurry

  • The “discovered” area is located in Snapper Ledge Reef (Tavernier, Florida).
  • The installations are not antennas, but coral growth structures.


Here's how the video is shared:

HAARP is perfectly positioned around Florida.

This seems to be triggering as if the entire state of Florida needs to prepare for what's coming.

Hopefully this thing takes a turn but please if you can try to figure out how to get to Florida or reach higher ground.

This video is very enlightening and has been for a while, but it seems to have struck me more after watching the path of Hurricane Milton!

Coral reef studies

Along the southeast coast of Florida lies a long coral reef, precisely in the area shown in the video as the installation site for the elusive “underwater HAARP.”

Thanks to Google Earth, it is possible to locate the filming point, namely the coral reef of Snapper Ledge (Tavernier, Florida).

This has nothing to do with the HAARP project (which has nothing to do with elusive climate control, as explained here). This is the XL Catlin Seaview Survey (here is some information in Italian), a project that aims to study the coral reef. On the official website there is a space dedicated to the filming location:

What we see are not antennae, but structures in which corals can grow.


The conspiracy theorists' phantom discovery involves not a HAARP underwater antenna station, but coral growing facilities in southeast Florida's coral reef.

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