How to become a journalist, training

Become a journalist Nowadays, this is no longer synonymous with a guarantee. The training course of disrupts the standards of professionalism known until now in the world of journalism by entrusting the preparation of aspiring publicists and their entry into the world of work to experts. The training, entrusted toItalian Association of Constructive Journalismoffers a journalism laboratory in which future journalists can truly experience professional training school and learn what it means to be a journalist today.

The 16th edition of the training is underway

Today, to become an independent journalist (one of the two lists in the register of journalists, which differs from that of professional journalists), it is not necessary to follow training: it is the canon of professionalism that the publishing world in Italy. Today. To carry out this work, more than ever, a access to a preparatory school legitimized byNational Order of Journalists (OdG) to help and support aspiring publicists to obtain the much desired badge. As journalists, we have the responsibility to transform ideas, data, information into content accessible to all. Managing this content is a very delicate process that determines our credibility. If these two principles are lacking, we will find ourselves faced with a lack of training for the publicist.

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Your support helps protect our independence so that we can continue to produce quality journalism that is open to all.

Support us wants to give a new face to the training of publicists while waiting for the Order to approve new rules to restore the prescriptive nature of the journalistic profession. The training organized byItalian Association of Constructive Journalism, which is in its 16th edition, will offer interested parties the most suitable tools to practice the profession. During the 25 months of courses you will acquire, among other things, the skills necessary for a constructive and avant-garde journalistic approach. An approach which leaves room for a positive and non-alarming final conclusion, for the epilogue of a story with solutions of public interest, for thought-provoking solutions which push the reader to stay anchored to the article because it is 'interested in the resolution. and not in the harshness of the fact. The approach aims to break the canons of classic journalism”destructive rather than constructive» as has already happened in England with the The Guardian and the BBC and in the United States with the New York Times. The final objective of the training is to provide the opportunity to become an independent journalist with the skills necessary to face the job market, to the requirements required by regional decrees.

What does the paid journalism workshop include?

As aspiring and future publicist journalists, we have a duty to master the skills of the profession. The training includes up to 12 hours of lessons per month, video courses, meetings and live online sessions to assimilate content and skills. Teachers and journalists from organizations of national significance (such as Luca Tremolada, editor-in-chief For The sun 24 hours and professor of data journalism, Gabriele Cruciata, Lecturer at Google News Lab and instructor of the Interview Techniques and Podcasting course) will cover a variety of topics, including:

  • basic and advanced notions of journalism
  • using WordPress
  • SEO optimization for optimal positioning of articles in search engines
  • public relations and digital press office
  • become a freelance journalist in the world of work
  • ethical principles of the profession

…Just to name a few (here is the complete educational program).

Anyone who wants to become a journalist must know how to use mass media, particularly the Internet and social networks, to disseminate content. The lessons of the course will also be largely dedicated to the journalistic reality of the social world.

Sign up to become a freelance journalist

Silvio Malvolti, editor-in-chief of since 2001 and founder of the Association and director of the entire training program, had the idea of ​​launching the first and only Italian generation of constructive journalists with the perspective of revolutionize and rehabilitate the profession of journalist which today continues to lose its credibility and only enjoys the trust of 8% of the population. The training activities offered will encourage aspiring journalists to write and publish articles, all paid, through which they will also be able to apply for registration with the Order of Journalists in their region of residence.

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