“Gun in hand with electronic bracelet”. Baby Gang Violates House Arrest for Launching New Album Online, Returns to Prison

Trapper Baby Gang, aka Zaccaria Mouhib, is back in prison. The news is reported on his Instagram page, managed by his managers. The Third Court of Appeal of Milan, which will have to rule on the trial for the shooting which involved him, found a violation of the house arrest. The artist had been under house arrest with the electronic bracelet since last January and sentenced to first degree sentences of 4 years and 10 months for a theft and 5 years and 2 months for a shooting that occurred in the summer of 2022. But he would have violated the provisions of the judges announcing the publication of his new album on social networks. Positions which according to the defense had all been authorized.

The reasons, the defense

The statement made by the singer “with an unknown number of subjects, posting photographs on Instagram, where he is depicted holding a gun pointed at the camera, showing off the electronic bracelet”, was not accepted. “The superficiality of this motivation is astonishing – the child's lawyer, Niccolò Vecchioni, told Milano Today – given that the singer's social account is managed by his manager and that the published material was created during sessions work authorized by the same Court of Appeal. A disposition symptomatic of judicial schizophrenia against which we will appeal before the Court of Review.”

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