Giulio Coniglio receives the drawings and the letter from the children stuck at the Trieste post office. Author Costa: “Getting them wasn't easy”

The odyssey of illustrator Nicoletta Costa, aka Giulio Coniglio, also has a happy ending. The children's drawings from a Calabrian school are (finally) in his hands. The author of children's books and cartoons was in fact able to recover the registered letter sent to him by their teacher, which had been stuck at the Trieste post office since last Tuesday, because the reported recipient was Giulio Coniglio. , the fantasy character born from his pencil. “Getting the package was not easy: I had to sign several documents and make a drawing of Giulio Coniglio,” he explained toHandle the illustrator. For the collection “we also needed – he explains – an email from the professor who sent the registered letter”. The arrival of the drawings was followed by a celebration with a mascot of Giulio Coniglio, to whom the author gave an identity card. “I love receiving letters, I would like children to continue sending them, they are slaves to their cell phones, messages. Nothing is written anymore, nothing remains. I have drawers full of letters that I look at from time to time, it's a magical thing that children must have, they are very ready to play this game,” Costa concluded.

Response from Poste Italiane

For the Italian Post Office, when questioned on this subject, “joking about a registered letter” is not authorized, indicated the press service. “A registered letter is something to be treated with care. It was absolutely not a question of bureaucratic obstinacy, it was a question of respecting certain rules which guarantee all citizens, those who send a parcel and those who receive it.” It is for this reason, affirms the spokesperson from the Trieste office, “that it was necessary to carry out checks and that there was a technical delay. We solved it and we wanted to resolve the situation. There was a way and it was found.” A situation, that of February 28, also complicated by the fact that “Giulio Coniglio is a very plausible name and older colleagues, perhaps without children, do not know these children's stories,” he concluded.

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