Gigi D'Agostino “banned” from Oktoberfest: “L'Amour Facile sang racist songs” – Video

Images of the party of rich upper-class young people who, from an exclusive location on the island of Sylt – off the coast between Germany and Denmark – to the rhythm of Love always The racist and xenophobic slogans went viral and provoked a backlash from politicians, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz calling them “disgusting and unacceptable slogans”. Then similar videos emerged on the Internet, also from last year, with the same outrageous refrain: “Germany for Germans, foreigners far.” The soundtrack of these sentences is once again the famous song by Italian DJ Gigi D'Agostino, unintentionally brought into play in this case. “My song only talks about love, a wonderful, great and intense feeling that unites people,” we heard the innocent artist, who will return to the stage in recent weeks after a long absence due to illness. agressive. Clemens Baumgärtner, head of Oktoberfest, decided that the song should be banned from the Munich Oktoberfest, to prevent accidents from happening again. “We want to ban it and I will ban it,” he told the Dpa news agency, which reported five other cases, “at Oktoberfest there is no place for all this female dog from the right. Oktoberfest is apolitical and the song has acquired a clear far-right connotation. » A similar ban has also been planned in Stuttgart by organizers of televised rallies ahead of next month's European football championship and an event planned for the fall.

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