Fuortes as superintendent of Maggio Fiorentino. The ministry: “We have received nothing.” But Mayor Nardella denies them

The letter from the Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella with the proposal of the Board of Directors of the Musical Maggio “was sent to the minister this afternoon, immediately after the meeting to establish the Council” and “we are surprised by the statements according to which it comes from sources from the ministry, given that clear signals of appreciation towards Carlo Fuortes, a figure of undisputed prestige, have always arrived from the ministry”. The number one of Palazzo Vecchio speaks bluntly and denies the cold shower from the Ministry of Culture As soon as press rumors circulated that Fuortes would be superintendent of the oldest festival in Italy, Gennaro Sangiuliano's department was quick to issue a note specifying that “no official and formal communication has been received regarding the appointment of Carlo Fuortes as superintendent of Maggio Fiorentino”. “You must first acquire the documents and read them. The speed with which the name of Fuortes has spread is surprising, hoping that the analysis is precise and thorough”, Mic sources explain to Ansa. In addition, the ministry recalls that “there is a precedent that goes back at the time when the minister in office was Alberto Bonisoli: we then requested an in-depth study concerning the Massimo of Palermo. It is not excluded that this would also happen on this occasion.”

The controversies

The indication of Florentine reality becomes more chaotic than expected. And that sparks inevitable controversy. “Minister Sangiuliano covers himself with a veil from the Mic press office to try to hide the irregular and chaotic way in which he manages the appointment of the superintendent of the Florentine May,” declare the leaders of the Pd group in the Culture and Justice committees of the Chamber, Irene Manzi and Federico Gianassi. “We are witnessing a management of ministerial appointments which seems tainted by continuous interference by party politicians in the ministry in choices which fall under the political councils of the theaters for which the ministry must take into account the indications of local authorities and partners. We will hold the minister accountable, but we cannot fail to note how Sangiuliano's role and his prerogatives, even on this occasion, are in the hands of his party which seems to have definitively placed him under commissioner,” the press release concludes.

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