Fuorionda on Tg2, the venomous comment on the duo between Fiorello and his daughter: “Now this one will have…” – The video

Tg2 journalist Piergiorgio Giacovazzo did not know that his microphone was still open when at the end of today's 12:30 p.m. edition, March 19, he made a caustic comment. The studio launches the clip of the duet between Fiorello and his daughter Angelica, who sang together “La prima cosa belle” by Nicola di Bari on Father’s Day on “VivaRai2!”. As the clip ended and the final theme song of the newscast began, Giacovazzo's voice was heard: “How cute… now this will have 12 shows…”. The journalist's insinuation did not go unnoticed on social networks, where it was taken up by the X account “Lallero”, which had already intercepted other aberrant cases involuntarily disseminated by Rai in the past.

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