From alleged flirting to distancing, Trussardi responds to Ferragni: 'Offensive, we know each other'

Tomaso Trussardi calls it “offensive”. position taken by Chiara Ferragni's team who, denying rumors of flirting with the entrepreneur, stressed that the two “don't even know each other.”

“We have known Chiara Ferragni for many years, since she was a simple but talented “blogger” who still had difficulty getting invited to fashion shows – underlines Trussardi on his Instagram profile – We always believed in her (as with Valentina Ferragni who collaborated just as closely with us). They have always spontaneously participated in our initiatives, particularly on the track where I last met Chiara about 4 years ago.. I must say that there has always been nothing but a relationship of professional respect and sympathy with the whole family on both sides. Dismissing all this with 'I don't even know him' is reductive and offensive in relation to a professional past which deserves its proper dimension. – continues Trussardi. Boring ANSA about a tsunami in a glass is pretty weird. Maybe his press office ate too much panettone at the end of the year. They’re not doing it right.”

Tommaso Trussardi Instagram Stories Instagram

Tommaso Trussardi Instagram Stories

Ferragni broke the silence on Instagram publishing the interview given to 'Corriere della Sera': “I have remained silent for too long. NOW I think it is important to speak and explain“. As early as December 15 – when Antitrust announced that it had sanctioned two of its companies and Balocco for “an incorrect business practice”, or for advertising the designer pandoro mistakenly letting consumers understand that, through the purchase, they would contribute to a donation to the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin – the influencer remained silent.

“It was Friday – the entrepreneur remembers -, I also spent Saturday and Sunday locked in the house, wearing the same tracksuit, reading the terrible tweets about me and saying: what is happening? .

On the history of Pandora Baloccohis idea remains the same: “A communication error» for which he has already publicly apologized. “We realized that some internal analysis processes could have been better managed. And we are working to improve certain organizational profiles,” he explained, reiterating that the the donation was desired by her and her team and included in the contract with Balocco: “This was done immediately after signing so that the 50 thousand euros had no relation to sales. We were hoping the machine would arrive before the Pandoro went on sale. »

Waiting for yours call on ART “against a penalty that I consider unfair and disproportionate, I will obviously pay it and, if I recover something, I will also donate it”. Ferragni tries to take stock of her career: “I don't know if my work is work that I will do for the rest of my life or if I want to tell my life story forever,” she responds, explaining that for her it It's a sort of vocation since, at 16, he made self-portraits with a tripod to talk about himself. What if everything ended suddenly? “The fear is constant. In a profession like mine, which is completely new, we are always afraid that the the trend may change and I don't love it anymore.”

In the interview, Ferragni also addresses the delicate moment in his relationship with Fedez: “In recent weekends there have been none, others there have been. And he's my husband anyway. And in external situations, it is important to keep things within the couple and problems within the walls of the family. The priority is to protect the family and children“.

According to the weekly Oggi, Fedez would not have left the house voluntarily but separated from his wife. He would live this moment with great suffering. The two were rumored to have met again to clarify how to handle the situation. marital crisis. Yet another chapter from Ferragnez? Some have doubts, denied by Fedez two days ago when, intercepted by the Pomeriggio Cinque correspondent, he clarified: “It's not a game.”

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