Francesca Pascale fierce in Belve: “The photos with Paola Turci? It was the fault of a person from Forza Italia close to Salvini: I felt violated” – The video

Behind the paparazzi photos of Francesca Pascale on a boat with Paola Turci, there was apparently a politician from Forza Italia who “wanted to create a problem for me”. It is Silvio Berlusconi's ex-partner who makes the accusation in the interview given to Belve with Francesca Fagnani, Pascale's first on television. Guest of the last episode of this season on Rai2, Pascale talks about these photos published when the relationship with the founder of Forza Italia was over: “These photos were taken by a person from Forza Italia close to the sovereignist zone, which he always particularly hated me”, says Pascale. Concerning this alleged plot against her, she does not name names but explains that the paparazzi “were sent by a person very close to Matteo Salvini who wanted to give Salvini the entire Forza Italia package I tolerated this very badly.”

The plan to weaken Berlusconi

This operation was directed against her, Pascale reiterates, with the sole aim of breaking an affair and weakening Berlusconi: “There was a very precise plan to make me a problem to be solved and that is why she followed me and they violated the rules of morality. to hurt me.” When the photos were published, Pascale admitted bluntly: “I felt violated.”

The “no” marriage between Berlusconi and Marta Fascina

Fagnani reminds Pascale that she asked Berlusconi to marry her every day. Which only happened when the former prime minister got engaged to the parliamentarian of Forza Italia, Marta Fascina: “No, not at all, I never felt the desire to get married – explains Pascale – also because then maybe he would marry me and that was wrong. and frankly, rather than fake, nothing better.” There was no invitation to the “no” marriage between Berlusconi and Fascina for Cav's ex-partner. But she herself had declared that if she had gone there, she would have smoked a joint: “Yes, I would have liked to smoke a joint… Berlusconi was lucid, he never did anything stupid with me.”

The relationship with the father

The interview touches even more intimate chords, when Fagnani asks Pascale what her childhood was like, with a father she describes as violent and unaffectionate: “My childhood was happy, even if like all little girls I I was also in love with my father's. But the trust a little girl has in her father has been deceived, betrayed, mortified by his violent and disaffected way of treating us. Fagnani wonders if there was real violence: “There were violent attitudes – specifies Pascale – but I prefer to keep that to myself”. Certainly today, Pascale admits that the relationship with her father “does not exist”.

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