France enshrines the right to abortion in the Constitution: it is the first country in the world

With 780 votes for and 72 against, France becomes the first country in the world to include the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) in the Constitution. This is what Parliament decided during a joint session of the Congress at the Château de Versailles, the National Assembly and the Senate together, in a historic vote obtained well above the minimum required threshold of 512 vote yes, or three-fifths of the voters. Article 34 of the French Fundamental Charter is thus amended, in which “the freedom guaranteed to women to terminate a pregnancy” is inserted. Abortion is thus protected by the Constitution, making abortion much more difficult to legally prevent. At the end of the vote, a formal but obligatory step after the opinion already expressed in recent days by the two chambers, long applause resonated in the hall of the South Wing of the Palace, and was also echoed by the thousands of activists. Place du Trocadéro in Paris which followed the session on the big screen. “My body, my uterus, my choice – Mine the body, undermine the uterus, undermine the choice”, the slogan which accompanied the demonstration until the definitive yes. “French pride, universal message,” wrote Emmanuel Macron on sealing ceremony open to the public of our history. See you this March 8, International Women's Day.”

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