Ferrara, takes advantage of a domestic dispute to steal weapons and ammunition from the police: arrested after 3 weeks of searches

A 65-year-old Italian resident in the province of Ferrara, in Argenta, who, according to investigators, had stolen weapons and ammunition from a Carabinieri car on duty, was arrested as “suspect of a crime.” The man is accused of multiple aggravated thefts and possession of weapons and munitions of war. The investigations carried out so far have been neither simple nor trivial: more than a thousand people, including soldiers, firefighters and civil protection, have been deployed to find the dangerous stolen goods. The theft occurred on Monday February 26 when the patrol intervened in San Nicolò in Argenta due to a conflict between spouses. Taking advantage of the military's distraction, it is investigators' reconstruction, the 65-year-old convicted criminal stole two machine guns, 180 bullets and two Tonfa sticks (the ones with the L-shaped handle). Having noticed the disappearance, the police reported the theft and the search began. Eight hundred soldiers from the Provincial Command of Ferrara, the Anti-Crime Department of the ROS, the Underwater Unit of Genoa, the Canine Unit and the Forestry Group of Bologna, as well as 150 resources from the Fire Brigade and the 'Civil Protection Unit of the National Association of Carabinieri of Ferrara, they searched 172 abandoned farms and warehouses, dredged more than 20 waterways, over a total area of ​​approximately 22 square kilometers. Some of the stolen goods were found immediately the next morning in a canal in the surrounding countryside. But a machine gun and 180 bullets are still missing. In the Argento region and in the province of Ferrara, 39 searches were also carried out. The circle has tightened around the man arrested on March 19 and imprisoned, his home has been checked and investigations are underway into the elements not yet found.

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