Feeling bad at Meloni's gathering, she stops: “What's going on?” A woman saved under the stage – The video

A woman fell ill during Giorgia Meloni's rally in Rome's Piazza del Popolo. While the leader of Fratelli d'Italia had been speaking for about 40 minutes, she had to interrupt her speech. A few meters from the stage, in the crowd, a woman was helped by those around her because she was not feeling well. “What happens?” asks Meloni when talking about European Union policies and how they affect people's daily lives. “There is someone who is not feeling well, is there a doctor please?” Meloni asks for news from the scene and remains on hold. A few minutes pass, when the paramedics intervene and take a woman away: “Let's applaud the lady, thank you… I know it's hot. Not much is missing…”

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