Fedez, Conte and Marta Fascina's partner among those spied on in the investigation into the file

Fedez is also one of the figures covered by the Perugia investigation file in which anti-mafia magistrate Antonio Laudati and Guardia di Finanza lieutenant Pasquale Striano are indicted. And, in addition to Guido Crosetto, the ministers Adolfo Urso and Francesco Lollobrigida. In addition to the Fratelli d'Italia deputy Fabio Rampelli and the undersecretaries Giovanbattista Fazzolari and Claudio Durigon. Also among the names are Silvio Berlusconi's last partner, namely Marta Fascina, Matteo Renzi, Denis Verdini and Irene Pivetti. But also Olivia Palladino, the companion of Giuseppe Conte, the lawyer Guido Alpa and the entrepreneur Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone. Eight journalists are under investigation. Among them, three write for Tomorrow: Giovanni Tizian, Nello Trocchia and Stefano Vergine.

Illegal access

And explain today Daily fact, the three turned to a source of information that they regularly published in the newspaper. They are accused of illegally accessing a computer system with Striano. To which the Perugia public prosecutor's office contests 800 accesses from 2020. A spying activity whose objective is currently unclear. And what Minister Crosetto revealed after an article in Tomorrow. Striano allegedly had access to confidential databases while serving at the National Anti-Mafia Directorate. Summoned by Raffaele Cantone for the guarantee questioning, he used the right not to answer. Laudati instead requested a one-week postponement. He too was identified as coordinator of the SOS group (reports of suspicious operations). And his lawyer emphasizes that the investigation arose from his report to the Rome public prosecutor's office.

Counterfeiting and disclosure of confidential information

The other crimes charged against Striano are counterfeiting and disclosure of confidential information. He defended himself by asserting that the accesses had been carried out for investigative purposes. But apparently the research began precisely with the contribution of journalists. The charges against Laudati, however, do not include politically exposed figures, as his lawyer Andrea Castaldo explained yesterday. They could therefore concern private affairs of the anti-mafia magistrate.

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