Everyone on WhatsApp (or almost). But the social network that keeps Italians glued to their smartphones the most is TikTok – The data

Today, 43 million Italians, or 73% of the population, use social networks. Not much less than those who connect to the Internet, 88% of the population, who spend on average almost six hours a day online. Among the six most used platforms in the country, the first by far remains the “basic” messaging of Whatsapp, used by 90% of connected Italians. The other Meta platforms follow: Facebook with 77%, Instagram with 75% and Messenger with 50%. Telegram is used by just under half of users (48%). The annual “Digital 2024” report created by We Are Social in collaboration with Meltwater reveals data on the social consumption habits of Italians. Compared to last year, however, we see that the Chinese social network is the one experiencing the strongest growth compared to last year (+4%), and also the one capable of retaining users for the longest time. The average time spent on the application per month is 32 hours and 12 minutes: far ahead of YouTube, on which we spend 18 hours and 15 minutes, Facebook (16 hours and 37 minutes) and Instagram (15 hours and 13 minutes). Good last WhatsApp, on which we spend an average of 13 hours and 54 minutes. On the other hand, almost all Italians who use social networks use video content, or 91%. But gaming is also successful (84% of people, growing), as is listening to podcasts (+14%, still growing). As for the reasons why they access social media, according to survey data, people cite the intention to occupy their free time (47%, up from the previous year) and to keep up to date. common, followed by staying in touch with friends and family (45%, down). Now much less widespread, however, among the purposes, that of sharing one's daily life (19%) or discussing one's opinions with others (17%).

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