European Championships, analysis by Valeria Marini: “The victory of the Brothers of Italy? Deserved triumph. Among my myths Montalcini, Loren and now also Meloni”

Showgirl Valeria Marini, after the long election night, was interviewed by Alisa Toaff for Adnkronos. Fratelli d'Italia's victory at the European Championships is an expected result. “A deserved triumph and it is also a confirmation of the excellent work that Meloni is doing with his government. Long live stellar women,” confirms Marini. “This result is certainly very important for our country because it gives more stability and strength to Italy,” underlines the actress. Meloni, for the showgirl, “is an autodidact who has succeeded in realizing those of her country as well as her dreams, she speaks four languages ​​and has an incredible political culture which was built at the cost of sacrifices. I have always had two legends: Montalcini, Loren, now there are also. Meloni.” Regarding the right-wing wave, with parties like the National Rally ready to invade Brussels, Marini does not seem worried. “For me, people matter more than political trends. Meloni's triumph was the result of his determination. She is highly appreciated by everyone because, with great commitment, she achieves everything promised by the government. Of course, the moment is not easy, there are many things to do, but I am sure that he will do everything he promised,” she concludes.

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