Conte fires Grillo, divorce with M5 founder in Vespa book: 300,000 euro consultancy contract closed

Former PM announces end of relationship: 'Something has cracked irreversibly'

The divide between the founder of the 5 Star Movement and its current president, as well as the first prime minister expressed by the party, also affects the wallet. In Bruno Vespa's latest book, entitled Hitler and Mussolini. The fatal romance that shocked the world (and Italy's central role in the new Europe)Giuseppe Conte talks about the consulting contract that the Movement has with the actor and “guarantor”. “Beppe Grillo is responsible for a counter-communication which undermines the reasons for a contractual collaboration”, Conte’s decision is dry and direct. The conflict then moved from fiery missives to facts. The former prime minister intends to interrupt the consultant contract of 300 thousand euros that Grillo receives for the Movement's communication. “Grillo also claimed compensation as guarantor in the last letters he wrote to me. I have never accepted that he be paid for this function, which has an intrinsic moral value and is not compatible with any remuneration,” explains Conte in the book which will be released at the end of October.

The poisonous relationship

It is not only an economic question, but also a question of feelings. “Something broke irreversibly,” Conte admits, forever ruining the relationship that allowed the lawyer and university professor to arrive at Palazzo Chigi. “Humanly, I am very impressed by his behavior. Seeing today that a process of democratic participation which brings us back to Casaleggio's original ideals is being so blatantly opposed has saddened me greatly. Because, contrary to what the newspapers write, the confrontation is not personalistic (Grillo against Conte), but it sees Grillo fighting against his own community”, he explains to Vespa, “in the past, he has already had venomous attitudes towards me, to which I did not give weight because the interests of the community took precedence over everything. »

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