Complaint from Serena Bortone: “Scurati’s speech on April 25 was canceled by Rai”

The presenter Serena Bortone declared on Instagram that the intervention of the writer Antonio Scurati in the episode of What will be “As you may have read in the press release, an Antonio Scurati monologue from April 25 was scheduled for tonight's episode of “Che SARA.” I learned last night, with dismay and by pure chance, that Scurati's contract had been canceled I was unable to obtain any plausible explanations. But above all I owe it to Scurati, with whom I obviously just spoke on the phone, and. to you viewers, the explanation of why they will not see the writer on the air of my show on Raitre this evening. The problem is that I have not been able to obtain this explanation either. , wrote the journalist.

The protests

Scurati is professor of comparative literature at IULM University. In 2018, he wrote Mr. Son of the Century, the first novel in a tetralogy devoted to Benito Mussolini and fascism. The book won the Strega Prize in 2019 and will soon become a TV series for Sky. Scurati's alleged censorship sparked protests from the Democratic Party. “We have the right to know why Scurati’s April 25 monologue was canceled. Monologue which should have been broadcast this evening on Serena Bortone's show on Rai3. The journalist herself does not know why. Someone explain, otherwise it is clear that it is censorship”, wrote Senator Simona Malpezzi on This is a very serious case of violation of the editorial autonomy of a program, as well as of a worrying de facto intimidation towards the author Sandro Ruotolo spoke of Telemeloni's censorship: “We ask the company's management to immediately provide the reason.”

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