ClioMakeup announces the end of its marriage “with a heavy heart” after 18 years of love

She was the first “real” influencer in the world of makeup. From the first videos posted online, Clio Zammatteo, on ClioMakeUp social networksshe went so far as to found her own brand, accumulating follower after follower and sharing with them not only tips on makeup and cosmetics but also “real life”. From the adventure in New York with her husband Claudio Midolo to the birth of her daughters, from the first steps in the world of television to thematic books.

Now, on his personal blog, with a note signed by both of them The couple announced their separation after 18 years of love. Not a surprise for the most assiduous fans who had started to suspect something after seeing Clio alone at Max Pezzali's concert in Milan and having visibly lost weight. The two men, confirming the rumors that had been circulating for some time, explained that they had decided to separate while maintaining a professional relationship.

Clio Zammatteo and Claudio Midolo @Instagram

Clio Zammatteo and Claudio Midolo

We loved each other but we had ups and downs, conflicts and dark times

In the note, signed by both, the desire to silence the rumors for the well-being of the girls: “In the spirit of sharing that has always characterized our being together, with a heavy heart we communicate our separation. Deeply grateful for the union that was, like many, we loved each other, but, like many, we too, after having lived ups and downs, conflicts and dark moments – which we tried, with mutual commitment, to thwart – we have arrived at a conscious union, intimate, thoughtful and painful: our personal paths divide, after eighteen years of bonding, after having built a lot together – despite our young age – first in the United States, then in Italy, and after having seen the birth of our beloved daughters, whose well-being today constitutes for us our highest and absolute priority.

After the honor of being told as a first mate, and as a family, why, today, I show you the honor of being surprised at a time of great vulnerability, even to take away the evil spirits of others, my supposition to reassure the genuine dispassion of others.

We are first and foremost two people, two souls who are facing a crisis, each as best we can, each in our own way. With shared values, we will continue to be a family and we will continue to live our role as parents with a deep sense of responsibility, the same one that obliges us today to ask for respect for our conscious choice and the difficult moment we are living. our whole family is going through the crossing.

These painful lines therefore constitute the only statement we will make regarding our decision, and they are being communicated today, as soon as it has been definitively taken.

We have the grace of having generated many things with the creativity and understanding that have always fueled our relationship: our artistic partnership will therefore continue in ClioMakeUp, a reality of which we are co-founders, and for which we will try to continue working with a smile.”

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