Chico Forti, the message to Atreju in 2021: thanks to Meloni – The video

It was in 2021 that Chico Forti received the Atreju Prize, to which he responded with an audio message from Florida prison, where he has been detained since 2000 after a life sentence for murder. “I warn you, I will not be short: it is my evening and I will enjoy it – began Forti – After all, the beginning is always important, the first impression. To say I am excited about this coveted award would be an understatement. If possible, I am now even more proud of my homeland. I am proud of the politicians who never stopped fighting to do me justice. I am proud of the recognition of my desire to continue living, producing, creating and learning regardless of the limits posed by these walls and chains. » Among the people the television producer wanted to thank, there was also Giorgia Meloni, at the time simply leader of the Brothers of Italy: “I want to thank everyone, especially Giorgia Meloni, a professional that I admire both as a woman and as a politician. Without fear, she took my side, regardless of expedient political maneuvering. She thought it was the right thing to do.” After 24 years in prison in the United States, Forti will return to Italy, as the Prime Minister announced yesterday during his visit to Washington.

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