Certification of diplomas, the European diploma project is underway

“I want to go study outside”. We may have heard it from our children, our friends, or thought it ourselves. The first difficulty that a student encounters is that of continue your studies in one of the EU countries with certification of your diplomas.

To date, titles and diplomas are only recognized at the national level. An Italian graduate who wishes to specialize in another EU country must first of all ensure that his diploma is recognized. The process involves paying extraordinary tuition fees or requiring additional educational obligations that often lead students to change direction.

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Europe wants to make the total integration of citizens the objective of the next legislature. And in recent days it has adopted measures which will be implemented from 2025.

Beyond mobility

On April 29, 2024, a meeting took place in Brussels between the European Commission and 300 university representatives from all member countries. The cornerstone of the day was the presentation of the results of 6 pilot projects called upon to propose recommendations but above all to identify the obstacles to achieving the objectives.objective of a European diploma, automatically valid in all EU countrieswithout requiring any certification of the qualification.

The projects are part of the Erasmus+ activity, an evolution of the program which has made mobility between students in Europe possible over the last 20 years, and will enrich the offer offered by the existing Eures and Discover Eu.

One of them is AND AFFECTIVE, the result of the collaboration of six university alliances, in which the Alma Mater of Bologna also participated. The practical approach, the heart of the initiative, based on a map of existing common titleswords diplomas attached. From these already functioning partnerships and analyzing the legal obstacles that had to be overcome to create them, it is possible to derive a uniform regulatory model, a legal prerequisite for the unitary certification of the qualification.

The project also starts from the same premises CLEVER in which the University of Turin participates, which highlights the importance of institutionalizing university cooperation programs. To this end, from April 2023, it is created EGAIa group of universities as a legal entity.

A system based on alliances could, however, encourage the formation of “mega-universities”, groups of universities with significant resources which collaborate with each other to the detriment of smaller university establishments. The risk is that a “market” and Series A and Series B formation will be created. A legal body in place would prevent a network of autonomous universities from issuing the European diploma.

A “brain exchange” rather than a “brain drain”

The fundamental principle is therefore to develop an integrated system, common to all on a legislative basis, but also transversal., that is, able to grasp the differences in the approach to a subject and bring them back to a single path.

We must exploit the diversity of teaching, the variety of cultures, and encourage its dissemination from those who transmit knowledge. Uniform qualification certification will also facilitate teacher mobility who, wanting to move from one chair to another, today encounter the same difficulties as students.

The variety of lessons means the transversality of skills. A concept appreciated by the world of work which evolves with new technologies and needs new professional figures.

The European diploma will promote the competitiveness of new graduates create an ever-larger pool from which businesses will draw.

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