Bortone affair, from the PD to the Fnsi all against the CEO of the RAI: ​​“Unacceptable and very serious comments”. Scurati: “He lied”

Words from the CEO of Rai, Roberto Sergio, on the behavior of Serena Bortone on April 25 provoked indignant reactions from the Pd, Usigrai and the National Federation of the Italian Press (Fnsi). During the Innovation Festival of Leaf in Venice, Sergio made known his position on the Scurati case and, in particular, on the behavior of the host What will be which reported the episode of the non-broadcast of the writer's monologue on April 25. “Serena Bortone should have been fired for what she did and she was not fired. She was not punished,” said the CEO of the company Viale Mazzini, also denying the existence of a TeleMeloni. “On the 11th of this month he will present his theses and we will evaluate, but certainly no employee of “a company will not be allowed to say things against the company in which he works – said Sergio -. She did this and was not punished”, said the CEO, referring to the disciplinary procedure initiated against the journalist.

Scurati's response

Among the most critical of the Rai leadership was Scurati himself, the writer protagonist of the April 25 incident. “I categorically deny the statement of the CEO of RAI that I did not participate in Serena Bortone's program because 'I was not paid',” said the author, “this is simply false. And this is yet another denigrating statement about me. No one has ever offered me to participate for free. I challenge him to provide proof to the contrary.” The author's note then continues harshly: “I will not enter into the merits of the internal convulsions of a company visibly in disarray, whose leaders exercise a 'stifling pressure' on freedom of information (this is not my opinion, it is a quote from an official press release from the main journalists' union of this same company. I would never have returned to the subject – and). Besides, it was not me who denounced the censorship but once again a journalist from Rai.” Scurati then reconstructs what happened and announces that he is also considering legal protection: “The show Chesarà de la Rai3 commissioned me to write a monologue about a month in advance, ensuring that I have total freedom over form and content. The economic agreement, perfectly in line with that of the writers who preceded me, had already been concluded several days ago, the train tickets and the hotel reservation had already been sent to me by the Rai offices. stop came after sending the text of his monologue: “While I had already packed my bags, I was informed that my contract was canceled.” Scurati also puts Fedez to work: “I no longer tolerate that I am being slandered by accusing me of veniality to divert attention from the real problem, especially from the senior management of a company, Rai, which gives several tens of thousands of euros to an influencer and rapper with questionable morals. for him to give interviews about his marriage Finally, the attack against Sergio and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: “The CEO of Rai demonstrates that he does not want to recognize the value of cultural work. he despises culture Let me observe that this vulgar contempt makes him totally unsuitable for the important role he occupies. I must also note that this smokescreen, raised by false and misleading arguments, has once again the effect of allowing the Prime Minister not to answer the embarrassing questions that I raised in the monologue that Rai had ordered and then did not respond. allowed us to read.”

The Democratic Party rises

Sergio's convictions were described as “shameful” by the Democratic Party. “It is the arrogance of a power that has transformed into censorship and intimidation,” reads the note from Senator Francesco Verducci, member of the Rai Supervisory Commission. “We also perfectly remember Roberto Sergio – he added – the outings on social networks against the company Rai (at the time of a Sanremo) and in another context against his fellow director Andrea Vianello. So obviously, it’s all worth it for him. But others should be fired. » And again: “In reality, Sergio's attempt to conceal the censorship against Scurati is obvious. No one has yet given a valid answer as to why Scurati's contract was canceled once senior management became aware of the contents of the monologue. And Sergio's attempt to prepare the ground for the purge of Serena Bortone, guilty of autonomy and pluralism, is clear. Sergio – continued Verducci – attacks a journalist who acted in the interest of the credibility and autonomy of the public service, prerogatives which obviously disturb Sergio.”

Fnsi: “Does Sergio grant forgiveness to his subjects?”

The comment from the Fnsi (National Federation of the Italian Press) is of the same tone: “Should Serena Bortone have been fired? And so the CEO of Rai claims the role of the new king who grants grace to his subjects? “inform him that since the Enlightenment, trials have been based on democratic values ​​and complete guarantees for the accused”, writes the president of the Fnsi, Vittorio Di Trapani, about the participation on April 25 in a Strega Prize as Antonio Scurati, while anyone who speaks out against the cancellation deserves to be fired. We are now at the reversal of reality and it values ​​the role of the Board of Directors, in essence, it considers them as paper sellers of government orders”, concluded Di Trapani, referring to that of Sergio. comment during the journalistic event led by Claudio Cerasa on the renewal of the top management of Viale Mazzini after the European elections: “A year ago I was asked to complete the three-year term with the departure of Fuortes. I accepted and appointed Giampaolo Rossi as CEO, who I respected and continue to respect. He will now be the next CEO and I will be the next CEO. There is no problem.

Usigrai: Sergio's statements are “unacceptable and very serious”.

Also Usigrai, the journalists' union Rai, considers Sergio’s statements “unacceptable and very serious”. “Going so far as to publicly hypothesize the dismissal of an employee while a disciplinary procedure is underway smacks of a threat – we read in a note -. If Serena Bortone is to be fired, what sanction should Roberto Sergio have deserved who, in April 2023, as director of the radio, attacked the director of Radio1 Vianello, accusing him of “amplifying violence”? Should the CEO at the time perhaps have discussed his dismissal? And then: “It is also representative of the climate of omnipotence of this top management – ​​continues Usigrai – to announce, as if nothing had happened, the name of the next CEO. We wonder if Parliament and the next members of the Board of Directors are happy to be stripped of their role,” the note concludes.

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