Borghi (Lega) and the attack on Mattarella: “It is June 2, for the sake of consistency he should resign.” The controversy breaks out, Salvini takes action

League senator Claudio Borghi, posting a photo of an article on yesterday's statements by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, declared today on the Italian Republic. Today, the sovereignty of our nation is enshrined. If the president really thinks that sovereignty belongs to the European Union and not to Italy, for the sake of consistency, he should resign, because his role would no longer make sense.” Words that stir up a hornet's nest. In the majority, the first notable to speak out is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani: “We are Italians and Europeans, this is our identity. It is our civilization. for Italy. Mattarella is right to emphasize our European perspective. I express my solidarity with him for the attacks he suffered.” These are the words of the leader of Forza Italia on X. Positions far from his government colleague.

Salvini relaunch, then reverse: no resignation for anyone

The Head of State spoke of a Europe born from the initiative of the “free peoples of the continent” whose sovereignty is about to be consecrated by the European elections. The Northern League attack does not seem to worry Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini who declares a In half an hour: “Today we celebrate the Republic, not the European Union of multinationals who would like to put everything Made in Italy outside the norm. I will never go to a European superstate in which those with the money are in charge, that is not Europe. » And the political controversy is mounting. Also because Salvini went into detail. “Today is the day of the Italians and the Republic – he declared – and not of European sovereignty. We have a President of the Republic because there is a Republic, an Italian national sovereignty. I consider Europe as a set of sovereign, autonomous and free states which share certain energies, certain forces, but national sovereignty is absolutely fundamental. »

Salvini then tried to throw water on the fire. “No controversy with the President of the Republic. Today is Italian Day and Italian sovereignty comes before any belonging. With all due respect to the Quirinale, today is Italians' Day,” declared Deputy Prime Minister and League leader Matteo Salvini, guest of “Stasera Italia” on Rete 4. To those who asked for a comment on the resignation of the head of state mentioned by Senator Borghi, Salvini replied: “We are not asking for the resignation of anyone. Borghi is an excellent senator. I think the head of state has been misrepresented. by certain newspapers because on June 2 he spoke of European sovereignty…”.

The reactions

Lots of criticism. First of all that of the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein: “The attack which comes today from the League” against the President of the Republic is very serious, an “unprecedented” attack. I would like the Prime Minister to speak out and distance himself from this attack. We do so by thanking the President of the Republic.” “It is an unworthy controversy, asking for the resignation of President Mattarella is something that cannot be commented on, so serious and so incoherent”, declared on the contrary the leader of the M5S , Giuseppe Conte. Maurizio Lupi, leader of Noi, moderates: “Claudio Borghi's attack against the President of the Republic is unacceptable and unspeakable. The League apologizes for these inappropriate and disrespectful remarks towards Sergio Mattarella, guarantor of the. national unity and elected, I remember, also with the vote of the League”. Chiara Braga, leader of the Dem group in the Chamber, continues: “Salvini unambiguously condemns Borghi's remarks, which complete the circle of an attack against the figure of the President of the Republic.” Francesco Boccia, president of the Senate senators: “The words of Matteo Salvini who “cover up” instead of condemning those of Senator Claudio Borghi are there to demonstrate, and it was certainly not necessary, the subversive force of the sovereignist forces. On this day which celebrates our Republic, attacking, in an instrumental manner, the President of the Republic and demanding his resignation, is not respecting our institutions and guarantors of national unity.” Netto Riccardo Magi secretary of +Europa: ” Salvini's approval of the tweet of Northern League member Borghi in which the request for resignation of Sergio Mattarella is made represents a subversive attack by the deputy prime minister of the Meloni government against the head of state on the day during which celebrates Republic Day, whose values ​​are embodied by the President of the Republic.

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