Become a journalist with teaching, journalism lab and tutor

If you have always dreamed of working in the world of journalism, but are struggling to find training opportunities or unable to find opportunities that allow you to put into practice what you have always loved, the training ofItalian Association of Constructive Journalism Becoming a freelance journalist, with an attached journalism lab, could be the opportunity for you.

Training in constructive journalism

What do we mean by training in constructive journalism? This is a course aimed at providing students with training related to a journalistic approach that has developed in recent years. An approach whose ultimate goal is to seek solutions and highlight the positive aspect of a situationwithout morbidly seeking the scandalous, distressing and sensationalist aspect and therefore an end in itself.

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A new way to describe the world around us, without leaving the reader with a feeling of tension and disillusionment. An approach that brings the reader to come back to read us not because we tell the new chapter of a difficult story, but because they know that in what we write, they can have a starting point for reflection and sharing linked to a possible solution in the topic discussed.

An opportunity to register

The Italian Association of Constructive Journalism is the only organization in Italy responsible for carrying out training and editorial activities in order to show readers that there is another approach to telling the daily story. Hence the idea of ​​training through Silvio Malvolti, founder and president of the associationwith the aim of creating a new generation of journalists ready to put the operating mode constructive journalism.

“Telling reality in a constructive way”it's the mantra of the training course. An approach born in Northern Europe and already tested in international journals such as The Guardian in Europe, the New York Times and the BBC In the USA. Tell the facts by looking at solutions, not just problems»This is what the Italian Association of Constructive Journalism is trying to do, founded in 2004 and able in recent years to support editors until they register as journalists.

What do we learn during the training?

So what are the objectives of the training presented? Acquire the necessary skills and confidence with the constructive journalistic approach on the one hand, have the opportunity to register with the register of publicist journalists on the other hand, if all the requirements required by regional decrees are respected in the production of their articles. A journey of duration of 25 months and enriched by the contribution of expert and competent journalists in their respective subjects. All supported by a tutoring carried out by expert journalists who will accompany aspiring journalists until the possible application for registration in the register.

Up to 12 hours of training per month with courses organized as video lessons of shorter duration, in addition to live online sessions to interact with teachers. Punctual, current and interesting training which will allow you to attend one lesson per month to learn and put into practice the concepts acquired thanks to the journalism laboratory guaranteed by the training. There will also be the possibility of taking certain face-to-face courses, during continuing training courses organized by the regional associations of journalists.

Course topics vary from the basics of journalism to constructive journalism, from interview techniques to writing, of date journalism for creating charts and infographics based on datasets, al mobile journalism create a finished service with the sole use of the mobile phone, from the use of WordPress, the most widespread content management platform in the world, to SEO optimization techniques, which allow articles to appear higher in Google searches. We also talk about the job marketwith approaches and suggestions on how to apply for job opportunities and capitalize on acquired skills, and how to self-entrepreneurship, or how to build a career based on yours personal brand.

Training partner journals and teachers

To register in the respective Register of Public Journalists, it is necessary to deliver, depending on the region in which you reside, a certain number of articles written for one or more registered newspapers, as well as to demonstrate the actual remuneration for this collaboration. With the training you will have the opportunity to be the protagonists of a paid journalism workshop on, a newspaper managed by the association and registered at the Court of Monza. But not only. Aspiring journalists will also have the opportunity to compete in at least one other newspaper or online publication.

Many teachers will intervene during the training. Luca Tremolada, data journalist and editor-in-chief for IlSole24Ore, Gabriele Cruciata, Lecturer at Google News Lab and teacher of the interview and interview techniques course podcastingthe same Silvio Malvoltieditor of and director of the entire training program, teacher of constructive journalism courses, to name just a few.

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