Basilicata, Roberto Speranza on the failed candidacy: “The anti-vaccines still threaten me with death, I pay the price for my years as minister”

This seemed strange to some, while others tried to pull him by the vest, including former Democratic Party Chairwoman Rosy Bindi. Why didn't Roberto Speranza, originally from Potenza, run in the regional elections in Basilicata? Minister of Health in the Conte II government then with Mario Draghi, his name could have pulled the chestnuts out of the center-left and united the vast field. Avoiding this formation of a back and forth which resulted in a split, with the Pd and the 5 Stars supporting Piero Marrese, the former Third Pole behind the outgoing Vito Bardi and a third wheel, the Basilicata Casa Comune d 'Angelo Chiorazzo, who makes the challenge is virtually unplayable for the opposition. It is Speranza himself, in a long note, who explains why he did not participate in the regional elections, although he made his external contribution to the delicate operations of building the coalition. “I have read some reconstructions which, in my opinion, make no sense, but which always start from a fundamental withdrawal which for me is unacceptable”, begins the deputy, “what does this mean and what are the consequences of having been Minister of Health during the Covid 19 pandemic.”

“I gave everything”

Speranza, 45, recalls how, in other countries, some of his counterparts were replaced by the government in place: four ministers in France, three in the United Kingdom, two in Germany. “It was an unimaginable workload, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without any interruption in the daily decisions that affected the daily lives of millions of Italians,” he emphasizes, “this story cannot be deleted. And the tireless work I have done, giving my best, cannot be underestimated.” And then he explains that he supported future party secretary Elly Schlein, that he wanted the merger of Articolo Uno in the Democratic Party and that he no longer asked for positions other than that of deputy in the House. “To those who speak of “generosity”, I would like to remind that the price that I and my loved ones paid for the commitment of the Covid years was very high and unfortunately it is not yet exhausted,” he adds modestly. “It weighs on me to be forced to talk about it publicly, it would not be in my nature to do so, but I believe that today we must understand the situation. The daily death threats and insults from fragments of the No vax galaxy continue incessantly. There is a constant incitement to hatred personal on social media and also from a small but very vocal part of the publishing world. This climate, which has worsened further since the announcement of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into Covid, still forces me to live under guard with all that this implies for me and my loved ones.” Here is the reason explained, “also out of respect for the land that I love, my Basilicata. Whoever applies for its leadership must be ready to give everything, 24 hours a day, putting this function before any other thought or concern.”

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