Atlantic crossing by “ecological” boat ends in tragedy: dreamy couple of travelers are found dead

They left with a dream in their pocket: to cross the Atlantic Ocean aboard their boat. But the “Green Odyssey” – as the Canadian Brett Clibbery and the British Sarah Packwood had nicknamed their journey – ended in tragedy. The bodies of the two men, husband and wife, were found lifeless in recent days on the small island of Sable Island, 160 kilometers southeast of the Canadian coast from where they had left more than a month ago. It was Clibbery's son who confirmed the tragic epilogue of the story on his Facebook profile, which the BBC. The couple of passionate travelers left on June 18 from the Nova Scotia region, a southeastern branch of Canada, aboard a 13-meter yacht. Their final destination was the Azores, on the other side of the Atlantic: the voyage plan called for 21 days of navigation to cover approximately 3,228 kilometers of distance. The couple had a YouTube channel, Theros Adventures (named after their eco-friendly boat), on which they had spoken in recent months about the upcoming mission: “It's probably the greatest adventure of our lives,” Sarah Packwood said enthusiastically. While her husband recounted how they had equipped the boat with sails, solar panels, batteries and an electric motor, in order to show everyone that “traveling without burning fossil fuels is possible.”

Death without explanation

But as is now clear, the “Green Odyssey” did not last very long. For reasons that have yet to be verified, the couple was forced to abandon the boat after traveling a few hundred miles. Then both drowned. Canadian police have said an investigation is underway to understand what happened, but there are still no definitive answers. In recent days, a Canadian website has speculated that the boat was hit by a passing cargo ship, which may not have even noticed the collision. Yet neither the Canadian Coast Guard nor the Air Force have reportedly located the remains of the couple’s boat. Sooner or later, perhaps, the truth about Clibbery and Packwood’s tragic end will come out. But for their loved ones, it will bring little comfort: “We will miss them forever.” “There is nothing that can fill the void created by their unexplained disappearance,” the man's son wrote on Facebook.

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