Andrea Vincenzi: the 12-year-old child after three resignations from the emergency room

Andrea Vincenzi was 12 years old and wanted to become a footballer. He died on Wednesday February 21 after being rushed to the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin. But between Monday and Wednesday, he received three visits from the pediatric emergency room in Chivasso. After three visits in 48 hours, the diagnosis was pneumonia. Then the child fainted. The ambulance transported him to Turin but it was already too late. An hour later, his heart stopped beating. The Turin public prosecutor's office ordered an autopsy. His uncle remembers that hospitals sent him home after prescribing him a course of antibiotics. ASL To4 published a press release in which it presents its condolences to the family and affirms that from an initial analysis, all the necessary investigations have been carried out.

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