Anagni, twelve years old, attacked by a 16 year old: it’s serious. The mayor: “Harassment and not an isolated incident. It could have been another matter Willy”

A 12-year-old boy was severely beaten while trying to restore peace between his friends and a group of Albanian classmates. The boy, as reported by Corriere della Sera, is hospitalized in Rome with a fractured nasal septum, a broken tooth and head trauma, following the beating suffered by one of the members of the group, a sixteen-year-old boy. The attack took place in Anagni, in the Osteria della Fontana district. Mayor Daniele Natalia who on his Facebook page speaks of “brutal aggression and intimidation”. The 12-year-old is awaiting surgery. “As mayor, but especially as a father, I strongly condemn episodes like this and behaviors that should have no place in our city,” Natalia said, announcing that a complaint will be filed with the police and social services will be involved in this matter. Monday. “I believe – he added – that the responsibility for similar attitudes, which do not seem isolated, cannot be attributed exclusively to the people involved: I believe that the families will have to answer for what happened and assume their parental responsibilities, so that situations never happen again. It was pure luck that Willy's tragedy did not happen again and we will not allow it to happen again. »

(archive photo ANSA/FRANCO SILVI/DC/DIB)

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