Altavilla Milicia, Barreca denies killing his wife and children: “He does not repent, he is convinced there was a devil in the house”

“He does not repent, because the goal was to free the house from demons. He doesn't think he did what he's accused of, he says he was stupid.” Giancarlo Barracato, the lawyer for Giovanni Barreca, the man accused of the triple murder of his wife and 16-year-old children and 5 years old, as well as 3 other suspects, the eldest daughter and a couple from Palermo, spoke. Barreca specifically pointed the finger at them, Sabrina Fina and Massimo Carandente, holding them responsible for the massacre. According to what has been reconstructed so far by investigators, also through the account of the 17-year-old survivor, in the house of Altavilla Milicia, in the Palermo region, torture and torture were carried out for days to carry out a kind of exorcism and purification rites. Today, Barreca, according to his lawyer, begins to remember certain details of those days of horror and is more and more convinced of the sole responsibility of the couple of acquaintances who, after the assassination of his wife, moved into this house.

Request for psychiatric evaluation

“Many scenes begin to resurface that lead him to attack Massimo and Sabrina,” said the lawyer after meeting his client in prison, “the young girl was involved in one way or another other by Massimo and Sabrina, she was always with them, she slept in his arms. by the couple.” Barreca would be “angry with them, especially because they were very insistent towards his wife and children.” Certain aspects will have to be explored in more depth. In flashes, certain important details that he told me emerge in his memory, but that does not mean that he perceives reality in a normal way. In his mind, in fact, there still remains the conviction that the devil was in the house.” For this reason, the lawyer will request an evaluation psychiatric de Barreca and a new interrogation with prosecutors.

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