“Abandoned by the institutions, but we don’t give up”

“We felt abandoned by the institutions,” declared Gianluigi De Palo, opening the second day of the Estates General, in the presence of Pope Francis. Yesterday, with the complaint against Minister Roccella, it was a “very difficult day, we had some complaints and we felt abandoned by the institutions, who did not deign a word of solidarity for this event, as if there were serious A or series B people, as if withdrawing a minister's speech was more serious than that of Gessica Barcella. But all this is part of the game of those who try to give their lives for an ideal, like us. let's do it.

“We’re not just worried about who will pay our pensions or the NHS. Instead, we want our children to be free. It's not about convincing people to have children, it's about putting everyone in a position to have children. decide freely what to do with your life. And today this is no longer the case because the birth of a child in Italy is one of the main causes of poverty. And that is unacceptable for everyone. Those who do not want them are free not to have children, but those who would are not free. The objective is to carry out long-term projects, beyond the duration of individual governments. The lives and futures of each of us are at stake.”

“The controversies make more noise – he continued – than the attempt to build a different future, around twenty demonstrators make more noise than the thousands of students who have been preparing for months for this event, occupying spaces, especially those of power, make more noise than generate trials, war than peace, hatred of love. But we do not resign ourselves to this vision of the world – he continued -. and we are here tired, destroyed, wondering more and more often what we are doing, trying to be a spur, to create a dialogue, to. escape the left-right dialecticto go beyond tired categories, to work as a team and avoid controversies, which are the great alibi for not giving concrete answers to families and young people.”

“Our mission is try to bring back a demographic spring, because we want our children to be free. Today, it is not a question of convincing young people and women to have children, but of allowing everyone to freely decide what to do with their life and today this is not the case because in Italy , the birth of a child is now one of the main causes of poverty and this is unacceptable,” concluded De Palo.

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