a project that looks at Africa through the eyes of Italians

The Mattei Plan is a medium and long term strategic intervention plan aimed at countries on the African continent, which will deal with education and training, health, agriculture, water and energy. It will be able to count, immediately, on a budget of more than 5.5 billion euros, constituting a very specific foreign policy choice of the Italian government.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had the opportunity to reiterate this on January 29, in the Senate room, on the occasion of the Italy-Africa summit. The relationship with the African continent must now be “equal to equal”, declared the Prime Minister. The relationships that arise under the aegis of the Mattei Plan must be based neither on paternalism nor on a charitable spirit, but rather on healthy cooperation. The latter is an envelope which is based on defined action plans and draws its strength from the desire to seek solutions to challenges which can no longer be postponed.

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Where it comes from and what it consists of

To better understand where it comes from and what it consists of, however, it is necessary to take a few steps back. It is exactly on November 3, 2023 that the Council of Ministers approves the legislative decree introducing emergency provisions relating to the Mattei plan. It's a development project concerning the States of the African continent.

The Mattei plan “will aim to strengthen” there “collaboration between Italy and the States of the African continent“. It will be addressed in particular to “promote sustainable and sustainable economic and social development […]”it's at “prevent the root causes of irregular migration”, as indicated on the government website.

It is important to underline the change of pace undertaken by the Italian government on the migration issue. And that is to say, having the desire to intervene on the root causes which push millions of people to find refuge on European coasts. In fact, we have too often been accustomed to “short-sighted” politics. The political scientist Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, in one of his pamphlets a few years ago, used precisely these words to describe the critical problems of the Italian ruling class. However, managing the present can never be separated from a medium and long term perspective.

The five pillars of the Mattei plan

The fact that this awareness materialized in a well-defined action plan, therefore gives us hope. The five pillars of the Mattei Plan, presented by the government, constitute a range of interconnected areas. Starting with that of education and training. Putting knowledge into circulation and connecting the African continent to the needs of the labor market is a fundamental step in promoting Africa's development.

Development which also involves fighting against the root causes of malnutrition, investing in the construction of agri-food sectors and encouraging family farming. This last aspect refers to that of water resources.

According to the plan drawn up by the government, it is essential to increase the drilling of wells and invest in their management and maintenance. Just as it is vitally important to strengthen health systems. In particular, it is necessary to improve the accessibility and quality of primary services for mothers and children. As well as strengthening management, training and employment capacities of staff.

Making Italy an energy hub

In energy matters, our country is called upon to play a fundamental role. Make Italy one “energy hub, bridge between Europe and Africa””, is in fact the great imperative of the Mattei Plan.

The planned interventions aim to strengthening energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies. The measures will notably aim to encourage the transition of electricity systems (from fossil sources to renewable sources) and to implement transition and distribution infrastructures.

Italy is therefore called to face an epochal challenge, which can only be won if we look to the future with the right spirit.

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