A newborn dies in Pertini, according to the prosecution, it is the fault of neither the mother nor the doctors: request to dismiss the case

The newborn Carlo Mattia, who died on January 7 at the Pertini hospital in Rome, did not die due to the fault of his mother or the nursing staff. It was the decision of the Rome public prosecutor's office which requested the dismissal of the case, initially classified as manslaughter. The medico-legal advice, he said The messenger, confirmed that it was a case of “sudden death”. From what has been pieced together, the mother, exhausted after labor and delivery, may have fallen asleep while breastfeeding the baby. When he wakes up, he discovers that the child is no longer breathing, sinks into despair and cries for help. Despite the immediate intervention of medical staff, nothing could be done for little Carlo and he was pronounced dead at 1:40 a.m. Initially, it was believed that the child had been suffocated by his mother's body while sleeping. However, investigations ruled out this hypothesis.

“Staff work? Everything is fine”

Histological tests confirmed it was sudden infant death syndrome, a sudden cause of death that can occur in newborns during the first year. As for the staff, it was checked who was responsible for monitoring the woman and whether everything had gone correctly. It appeared that hospital staff were making regular visits every two hours. The investigations also examined the room protocol adopted at the hospital, which required the newborn to remain entirely with its mother from the start after birth. This practice was later revised due to the case of Carlo Mattia, after the Ministry of Health requested a detailed report. The woman recently gave birth to another child, in another health facility.

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