Luna Rossa a step away from the Louis Vuitton Cup final: 4-0 against American Magic in the waters of Barcelona

Luna Rossa is one step away from the Louis Vuitton Cup final On the second day of the semi-final against American Magic, the Italian boat won twice again, after having already scored in the first two races yesterday. Even if today, in the waters of Barcelona, ​​the helmsmen of the Prada-Pirelli team, Spithill and Bruni, had to give their all to follow American Magic, especially in the afternoon race, which they finally won with just 2 seconds advantage. Now, Luna Rossa will only need another victory to get past the semi-final and into the Louis Vuitton Cup final. We won't have to wait long for the first match ball: already tomorrow at 2pm (second match race of the day), the “made in Italy” team could close the accounts. If so, Luna Rossa will reach the final of the tournament for the fourth time, after those of 2000, 2013 and 2021.

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