The Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti protects itself around Beatrice Venezi: “We chose her for the G7 concert”

The concert of the Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti on the occasion of the upcoming G7 in Pompeii will be conducted by Beatrice Venezi. Sources from the Neapolitan ensemble reported this to ANSA, but stressed that the position of conductor was sought by the orchestra itself and that the Ministry of Culture had nothing to do with it. A choice linked not only to the prestige of the musician, “but also to the fact that Venezi was trained in our artistic environment and has been collaborating with us for over 10 years.” The entrepreneur and influencer Maria Rosaria Boccia had accused her of conflicts of interest among the advisers of former minister Gennaro Sangiuliano. The director sued her for defamation. “It was natural to think of Beatrice Venezi for an occasion as important as the G7,” says the Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti. “It is a hypothesis formulated directly by us – they add – and not by the general management of the ministry, which entrusted us with the task of organizing the concert; the choice of the director is up to us.

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