The final yes of the Chamber comes to the so-called Reconstruction Decree, approved by the Senate, with all the provisions relating to post-disaster recovery, civil protection interventions and the organisation of major international events. Also contained are the ad hoc measures for the Campi Flegrei area and the measures for the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Tuscany affected by the recent floods. Contributions to individuals, acceleration of compensation procedures, extension of the mandate of the Commissioner for Reconstruction in Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marche. But also extraordinary resources for the G7 summit in Brindisi and a regulation on the “Milano Cortina 2026” foundation. In summary, here are some of the provisions contained in the legislative decree. While on the one hand contributions are recognized to individuals whose homes have been damaged by calamitous events, on the other hand, the possibility of accessing a contribution for damages caused to unregistered movable property damaged by the 2016 earthquake has been removed. complete the reconstruction process after the earthquake in Abruzzo on April 6, 2009. Illegal properties will be excluded from the contribution.
The great powers of the extraordinary commissioner
According to the legislation, the Extraordinary Commissioner will now be able to recognize a proportional contribution at a flat rate and based on the number and nature of the rooms where the movable property was located, up to a maximum of 3,200 euros for the kitchen and a maximum of 700 euros for the other rooms, up to a maximum total amount of 6,000 euros per dwelling. The refreshment procedures are then accelerated within the framework of private reconstruction interventions to bring people back into their homes as soon as possible and measures are envisaged to “promote the safety of the flood-affected area“. The Extraordinary Commissioner, by carrying out random checks on beneficiaries, at a frequency that can even be monthly, can also appeal to public bodies or state agencies. And he can revoke the benefit if he finds that the conditions for granting it were not met. The text also indicates in detail his powers and the methods of selecting the character, as well as the extensions. That of the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marche, affected by the floods for example, will remain in office until December 31, 2024. He will be able to prepare and approve special plans for the safety and reconstruction of damaged road infrastructure.
The role of Anas and FS
Anas can provide, in addition to restoration, also interventions to combat the collapse of roads that are not within its competence, just as FS will be able to make an important contribution to the safety of infrastructure in the affected areas. At the Meteo Italia Agency it will be possible to hire staff for another 5 years.
The measures for the Campi Flegrei
There will also be an extraordinary commissioner for the Campi Flegrei, with interventions for the redevelopment of public buildings and for the functionality of transport infrastructures. In addition to measures also aimed at ensuring the continuity of school activities, the Campania Region will be able to allocate a contribution to families whose homes have been vacated due to unusability, set in proportion to the number of members. This starts from a minimum of 400 to a maximum of 900 euros per month. To this is added the additional contribution of 200 euros per month for each person present in the family unit, over 65 years of age or disabled with a disability percentage of at least 67%. The Campania Region also adopts the necessary measures to prevent the construction of new properties in the area. In the event of non-compliance, the Council of Ministers exercises the power of substitution by prohibiting the issuance of building permits. The planning of seismic redevelopment interventions of the real estate stock for residential use in the Campi Flegrei area is then described.
After the G7 Brindisi and “Milan Cortina 2026”
After the G7 held in Puglia, in addition to strengthening the police forces in the region, extraordinary resources are also allocated to the police forces, amounting to 13.95 million for 2024. A rule of interpretation has also been introduced on the “Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation”, which provides that the foundation does not have the status of a public law body and that its activities are not governed by public law regulations.