the power of financial detox

The national observatory of Federconsumatori estimates that the average spending per capita of Italians for the summer holidays of 2024 will reach 1,190 euros, an increase of 10% compared to the previous year. This increase represents a signal of confidence from consumers who, despite economic challenges, are willing to invest more for their vacations. However, this increase can put a strain on family budgets, forcing many families to review their spending and looking for ways to save money, balance the books, and potentially earn extra income.

Financial Detox: Reduce Your Spending by 30% in Just 30 Days

For those looking for a way to save money efficiently and quickly, the “detoxification “financial” offers a simple but powerful answer. The notion of detoxification financial is inspired by physical detoxification programs, in this case applied to personal finances. The practice consists ofeliminate all non-essential monthly expenses, with a saving of between 20% and 30% of the usual outings.

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Many are finding that they are experiencing recurring cash outflows that they were not aware of, such as unused subscriptions or impulse purchases. This new level of awareness helps reduce spending and also encourages a more strategic and informed approach to personal finance managementThe idea is to “purify” your balance sheet, eliminating unnecessary items from the income statement and focusing only on those that are truly necessary.

Cashback: earn money by saving on every purchase

The financial ecosystem has been enriched with innovative solutions such as Satispay and Stocard, integrating functionalities cash back advanced. The cash back It is a system that allows you to get a partial refund on purchases made. When you make a purchase in stores or affiliated sites, using a specific card or application, you receive a percentage of the amount spent, usually between 1% and 15%. The service is available on different types of expenses, from supermarkets to online purchases, from fuel to banking services.

To maximize benefits, multiple programs can be combined cash backtake advantage of special offers and plan purchases strategically, without radically changing their consumption habits. By using these innovative solutions, consumers can not only earn extra money, but also save on every purchase, making every expense an opportunity to get a financial return.

Declutter: Monetize Unused Items and Free Up Space in Your Home

Many people, initially motivated by the desire to do declutterthat's to say get rid of unnecessary items and create tidier spaces, by selling these itemsdiscover an unexpected talent for online commerce. Some specialize in specific niches, like vintage or collectibles, while others explore upcyclingtransforming old furniture or clothes into unique pieces.

THE declutter not only frees up physical space, but also offers the opportunity to reflect on one's consumption habits and the value of objects. Like, What starts as a simple “spring cleaning” can become a profitable side hustle.helping to generate additional income for those who sell, but also to save money for those who buy, thanks to often very affordable prices.

The observatory carried out by the market research company BVA Doxa for the online buying and selling site reveals that the second-hand market in Italy has reached a value of 25 billion euros, with a significant increase compared to the 18 billion euros of 2014. This trend highlights the growth of the second-hand market and reflects a growing environmental awareness, which is pushing consumers to make more sustainable choices.

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