the first female president and the challenges of a nation

From October 1, 2024 Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo became the first female president of Mexicoafter winning an election characterized, for the first time in the country's history, by a clash between two candidates. The challenges he has decided to take on are not easy: in Mexico, in fact, the biggest problem is the presence of drug trafficking cartels, which are trying to increasingly expand their power. Furthermore, other priority issues are the complex economic situation of the country and the need to orient it towards the production of renewable energies, given its high pollution rate. On this last point the new president will be able to benefit from her specific training, being a scientist specializing in energy engineering.

A resume politics which is a great strong point

Claudia Sheinbaum's political career has revolved, since 2000, around that of former Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador: in fact, during the period when he was mayor of Mexico City, he appointed her environmental advisor. Of progressive orientation, in 2017 she became mayor of Mexico City. and, in this role, he demonstrated that he had two main goals at heart: improve the environmental situation of one of the most polluted metropolises in the world and fight against the violence of criminal groups.

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This resume This politician was instrumental in ensuring that Mexicans, in last June's vote, chose Sheinbaum as their first female president. In this sense, the figures obtained were also eloquent, since she won with almost 30 percentage points more than Xóchitl Gálvez, her main opponentrepresentative of a coalition between the center and the center-right.

Security and economy: two key words for the president of Mexico

Coming from the party Morena (Movimiento Regeneración Nacional)Like her mentor and predecessor, Claudia Sheinbaum was immediately clear about the security measures to be taken. One of the biggest problems in Mexican society today is indeed the excessive power exercised by drug cartels, which often also influence politics. Faced with this, the new president plans to strengthen it of the national guard and the systems of intelligence.

Furthermore, as pointed out by Center for Strategic and International Studiesthe other big challenge facing Sheinbaum concerns the economic situation in Mexico. Certainly, under the presidency of López Obrador, important steps have been taken, e.g. reduce the number of poor citizens. However, the country's economy is still not growing optimally and requires further stimulus measures.

Mexico towards sustainability and against gender violence

Another strong point of the new president of Mexico lies in her scientific training: in fact, as an engineer and researcher, she has written more than 100 articles, as well as a few books, on the themes of energy, the environment and sustainable development.. Hence the great attention that women devote to questions of ecology and renewable energy production.

Finally, another theme that guided Sheinbaum's electoral campaign is the fight against gender-based violence, in a country where the rate of femicide is quite high. The President announced that she wanted to tackle the problem by focusing, First of allon prevention and encouraging reporting. Then she wondered the objective of classifying the crime of femicide at the national level. The road ahead is certainly strewn with pitfalls, but the first female president of Mexico wants to demonstrate that politics is capable of doing a lot.

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