The “DOVE” editorial for October 2024

Silence. The scent of harvestthe crunch of leaves underfoot, the flavor of freshly made cheese, the warm gaze of the chef in the hidden trattoria, the intense flavor of an extraordinary glass of wine.

THE'autumn Of Or that's it. We imagined it and then saw the hundreds of images from our photographers emerge between the phone calls from our correspondents. Cursing the finite spaces of the paper.

Because it was necessary to select, to decide (to cut, in fact), to render in these pages a sensory journey. An artisanal work, slow and passionate, like that of the farmer who takes care of his land.

The cover of the October issue of “DOVE” is dedicated to Castello di Presule, in Alto Adige (Photo by Mirko Costantini/ClickAlps)

It is an invitation to travel less traveled paths, to get to know the producers and to experience moments that leave significant traces. Because the food and wine trip it is an opportunity for culture, well-being and sustainable choices; it is, as expert Roberta Garibaldi explains in her research, a driver of economic, socio-cultural and environmental benefits for our country. This represents an economic impact of more than 30 billion euros in 2023, distributed between Italian and foreign tourists (Coldiretti).

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And again, in the special linked to food and winethe objectives of Or they are an antidote toovertourisma very topical subject today, but which has always considered us pioneers as alternatives to mass tourism. An example of this is the secret addresses of Abruzzo, revealed by Paride Vitale, our exceptional insider.

Now imagine yourself coming down from the refuges of Friuli, to the sound of Livenza which resonates in the mountains, while Annalisa Celant's herds prepare to return to the valley after a summer in the mountain pastures.

Or let yourself be guided by Patrizia Tomat in Viola But dairywhere the Pastorala blue cheese with a strong taste, says a Carnia which resists abandonment thanks to the passion of its cheesemakers. Or imagine yourself riding through the vineyards Freezein the peace of one Sicily autumnal.

In these pages we have recounted experiences hidden around a bend, in the middle of the hills or inside a cave. The autumn of Or is about authenticity: it starts with a sip of wine and ends with the memory of something that tastes good.

Attached is the map of Basilicata “Traveling between passions”, to which it is also dedicated digital special on this link.

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