Stellantis, the government gives the green light to the sale of Comau. Clash of motions before Tavares' hearing in Parliament

The opposition is united and asks the executive to have “more courage”. The majority aims to review the European Green Deal

The government exercised the golden power on the sale of Comau by Stellantis. The Council of Ministers gave the green light to the operation which will lead the technology company, specializing in industrial automation and advanced robotics, to be controlled indirectly by the American fund One Equity Partner. The authorization from the executive was accompanied by a series of provisions aimed – we read in a note from Palazzo Chigi – “to ensure the level of investments”. The entire capital of Comau spa, continues the note from the Presidency of the Council, is currently held by Stellantis, “which, in turn, will acquire 49.9% of Oep Heron BidCo Srl, while the 50.1% The remaining shares will be held by Oep Heron. MidCo Srl (formerly Lina Srl), a company indirectly controlled by the American fund One Equity Partners.

Tavares' hearing

In recent months, relations between Stellantis and the Italian government have become increasingly tense. “It is up to Stellantis to relaunch the car in Italy and we have been waiting for a response for some time. The government has done its part, the company has not,” thundered Minister Adolfo Urso during the Rimini meeting. At the center of the controversy are the levels – considered too low – of production in Italy, but also the affair relating to the construction of the Termoli gigafactory, in Abruzzo, which benefited from Pnrr funds but which remains at a standstill to date Carlos Tavares, CEO of the group, was called upon to report on all these points tomorrow,. Friday October 11, in Montecitorio, before the productive activities committees of the Chamber and the Senate Industry committees.

Carlos Tavares, CEO of Stellantis (ANSA/Alessandro Di Marco)

Oppositions in chorus: “We need more courage”

In view of the Tavares hearing, the political conflict is consumed by motions. The opposition – united for once – presented one in which it accused the government of not having had “the courage to make a few simple and clear requests to Stellantis”. In the motion tabled by the leaders of the Pd, M5s, Avs and Azione, he requests, among other things, “the preparation of a package of initiatives to support the automobile production chain, the interruption of the process of pressure for relocation investment suppliers, an end to the use of temporary work, a hiring plan to achieve the necessary generational change and the maintenance of the design sectors in Italy.

The government: “Review the Green Deal”

The majority parties also tabled a motion for tomorrow's hearing of the CEO of Stellantis in which the government commits to presenting a proposal within the EU “to immediately review the path of the Green Deal” on the objectives automobiles, but also to “promote the transition paths of the Italian automotive supply chain not only towards electric solutions but also towards technologically ecological solutions”. The text also commits the executive to “summon the management of Stellantis to clarify the terms of the group's industrial plan in Italy”, asking the company to also communicate “the data of employees who leave Italian factories through practice (with union agreements) of induced resignations”. “.

On the cover: A Comau machine used for car production in a Fiat factory (

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