Red Sea, Houthi missiles hit a Greek cargo ship: crew abandons ship, two missing

The ship True Confidence, owned by a Greek shipowner but flying the flag of Barbados, was struck and damaged off the coast of Yemen. The agency reports this Reuters, specifying that the ship was then abandoned. There were 20 crew members and three armed guards on board the cargo ship. Two people died in this attack, the first victims since the start of rocket fire by the Houthis, the Yemeni rebels who have been threatening Western merchant ships transiting the Suez Canal for months. others were seriously burned. When it was hit, the True Confidence was just over 90 km southwest of Aden. The True Confidence is still adrift due to a fire that broke out on board. In response to repeated Houthi attacks, the European Union recently launched the Italian-led Aspides military mission, which aims to escort merchant ships crossing the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, by shooting down any missile or drone launched by the Houthis.

Cover photo: EPA/Yahya Arhab

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