Pieces of glass in the bread of primary school children, three cases in Milan: the CEO of the supplier company investigated

They were not pieces of plastic, but fragments of glass, those found in the bread of children at a primary school in Milan a few weeks ago. In fact by more than one car, as we are discovering today, the same serious anomaly was noted three times between the end of February and the beginning of March in two different schools in the Lombard capital: the Rinnovata Pizzigoni multipurpose institute and the Cesare Cantù Institute. Immediately after the first complaint, Milano Ristorazione, which manages the canteens of public schools in the area, replaced the bread with other products, such as breadsticks, and suspended the supply contract with the bread supply company. Now the results of the NAS tests have arrived, which made it possible to determine the nature of the foreign fragments found, as well as the approach of the Milan public prosecutor's office, which opened a file with the hypothesis of the crime of “trafficking in harmful food substances”. . and included in the register of suspects the legal representative of the bread supplier company. NAS investigations will also continue to understand how and at what point in the production/supply cycle the “contamination” occurred. Milano Ristorazione is not currently under investigation.

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