Mortgages, homes and secrets of Pasquale Striano, Fiamme Gialle lieutenant under investigation for spying on politicians and personalities for years

It was March 29, 1993 when a couple knocked on the door of notary Alex Gamberale from Marino, a town with Roman castles. He, Pasquale, born in Ercolano (Naples), declares himself an “employee”. Same job for her, Daniela, a few years her senior from Cagliari: “employee”. They are “married under the regime of separation of property”. Facing them is Giorgio, born in 1930, who declares himself “widowed and retired”. On the table is the project to be signed for the transfer of ownership from Giorgio to the two spouses (50% each), of their first house, two bedrooms, accessories and a small garden on the ground floor of 'a villa in Ciampino, on the outskirts of Rome.

We “spied” on the man who ended up in the cyclone for “spying” on politicians and public figures

The Pasquale who bought his first house that day would become famous 30 years later, finding himself in all the newspapers with his name, his first name “Striano” and his position as lieutenant in the Guardia di Finanza. Ended up being investigated by the Perugia public prosecutor's office for having made more than 300 unauthorized accesses to the databases of the national anti-mafia public prosecutor's office, where he was responsible for collecting sensitive data on men and women. female politicians (almost all members of the current government led by Giorgia Meloni), on industrialists, footballers, singers and VIPs. He is the financier of the cases which are currently shaking up the political world, also shaking up the judicial system. Everyone complains about being unduly “spied on” by him. SO Open he decided to carry out the same operation on his life that Lieutenant Striano would have unduly carried out on that of others. With one substantial difference: we used open databases, accessible to everyone for a fee. But we don't have access to sensitive data such as court data or the banking and financial data on which much of Striano's research is based.

The first mortgage taken out by the man from Fiamme Gialle

In 1993, the first house of Striano and his wife Daniela was purchased for 100 million lira. Money that the couple probably did not have, so much so that on July 15, 1994, they took out a mortgage loan of 110 million euros from the land credit section of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro. The loan was to be repaid in 15 years, with mortgage registration on the house for a value of 330 million lire. However, four years later, on September 17, 1998, Striano and his wife decided to sell this small house in Ciampino to Ms. Libera and, with the money raised, the mortgage was finally repaid on November 13, 1999.

Striano changes his life, has a new partner and a small house by the sea in Anzio

From then on, Striano probably lived in rent for many years, as no other real estate appears in the land register. Until spring 2021. On April 29 of the same year, in fact, a “property transfer order” issued by the Velletri court was registered in the land register as a “judicial act”. With this deed, a small house of 5.5 rooms plus a cellar on the seafront of Anzio, a seaside resort south of Rome, was transferred to Striano and his new partner Francesca, a contemporary of Pozzuoli. The property was owned by another couple, with ownership shared between Giulio Santarelli and his wife Adriana.

This house belonged to Giulio Santarelli, former socialist of the First Republic

Santarelli is a fairly well-known name to those who followed the political events of the First Republic. He was a socialist representative of Lazio, mayor of Marino (commune of Castelli Romani) in the 1960s and early 1990s. He was also president of the Lazio region between the 70s and 80s, then in 1983 and 1987, he entered national politics, being elected deputy each time. During this period he also held government positions: Undersecretary of Agriculture in the first and second governments of Bettino Craxi, then Undersecretary of State Investments in the governments led by Giovanni Goria and Ciriaco De Mita. Then, when Tangentopoli arrived, Santarelli, who had remained unscathed, left politics and became an agricultural entrepreneur. Thanks to the land belonging to the family, he created a wine estate, Castel de' Paolis, which also enjoyed a certain notoriety over the years thanks to appreciated and award-winning wines.

Santarelli's troubles with the banks

So what happened to this house in Anzio and why did it find itself today in the hands of the officer of the Guardia di Finanza, in the eye of the storm? Simple: to finance the development of wine activities, the Santarelli family had requested financing from the National Institute of Credit Agricole, which over the years changed its name several times: first MPS Banca verde spa, then MPS Merchant, MPS Banca per l'impresa. and finally MPS Capital services bank for businesses. As security for the land loans and borrowings, the Santarellis had given their real estate: land and buildings including the small house on the sea in Anzio. However, the Santarellis' business did not go as well as hoped and the family repeatedly defaulted on their mortgage and loan payments.

Giulio Santarelli, former socialist deputy

Thus, Striano won – the only competitor – the Anzio house at legal auction.

In those years, even Monte dei Paschi di Siena was not doing so well and, in order not to waste time in extensions and negotiations, the Sienese bank decided to include Santarelli's unpaid debts in a package of non-performing loans sold on December 20, 2017 without recourse to a specialized company, Siena NPL 2018 srl. On March 1, 2018, it entrusted Italfondiario with the task of recovering these credits wherever possible, including those guaranteed by the Anzio seafront house. Unable to recover the sums owed, the house found itself in the judicial sale procedure before the Velletri court, which put it up for judicial auction from a very low figure. Only the Fiamme Gialle officer showed up at the auction with his partner, who owned it for just over 100 thousand euros. Also in this case, the sum was financed by a mortgage of 95,900 euros that Striano obtained from Credito Emiliano in spring 2021 for a period of 19 years at the rate of 1.770%. The contract provided for the payment of 228 monthly installments of 468.50 euros from October 20, 2021, while in the previous months between April 30 and September 30, the anticipated interest on the mortgage had been paid.

This is why the financier's files also included Santarelli's

Now one of the mysteries of the last days is also understandable. In the invitation to appear for Striano and for certain journalists from the newspaper Tomorrow signed by Perugia prosecutor Raffaele Cantone and prosecutor Laura Reale, three unauthorized accesses to the databases were also contested, which seemed very strange to most. “On 02.11.2021,” explains Cantone, “improper access to the SERPICO database to consult information regarding the personal data of SANTARELLI Giulio.” Same access on May 27, 2021 on Santarelli. And finally “on 20.12.2021, unauthorized access to the SERPICO database to consult information regarding personal data, declarations, court documents and income received by SANTARELLI Giulio”. What was Striano to investigate about a politician of the First Republic who will reach the ripe old age of 90 next year and who had been excluded from the political game for 30 years now? In whose name? The answer this time is simple: out of personal interest, to verify that Santarelli was not able to recover this coveted little house in Anzio in which Striano lives today. And which according to the Cerved database, with the cellar, has a commercial value of just under 300 thousand euros…

Perugia prosecutor Raffaele Cantone

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