Genoa, the blunder of the Commune which celebrates women on March 8 with three flavors of pink ice cream: “Misogynistic and chauvinistic initiative”

The municipality of Genoa has imagined a way to make women happy on their day, March 8. Anyone who has thought about banal proposals like introducing sex and emotional education in schools or parenting support measures is wrong. The homage from the Ligurian capital is in fact much more original: an ice cream flavor for women. Which means it's pink. The artisan ice cream makers have in fact set to work to develop “three different flavors to highlight the unique character of each woman, a sweet opportunity to reflect once again on equality of opportunity”, as declared by the president of Confartigianato Genova Felice Negri. A reflection which, however, does not seem to have any practical implications, apart from the candy aesthetic that, one assumes, the fairer sex should appreciate. The ice creams will in fact be sold at full price for everyone, without distinction, and the profits will not be donated to anti-violence associations or centers.


And so, while in France the right to free and free abortion became enshrined in the Constitution, in Italy certain artisan ice cream makers were at work to make their contribution to the cause. The alternatives will be: a cone with red fruits and sponge cake, a cup of blueberries, sparkling wine and passion fruit and a variegated citrus fruit, red tea and hibiscus. “The three flavors of ice cream dedicated to International Women's Day are a laudable initiative that highlights gender equality and the need to build together a truly inclusive and women-friendly society,” said City Councilor Francesca Corso . She herself asks that her qualification be expressed in the masculine form. As well as regional councilor Simona Ferro, according to whom “even a simple gesture like eating ice cream becomes an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of March 8”.

The reactions

Statements that have not convinced feminist realities, such as Not one less. OR No justice, no peace Italy, who joked: “I would like a cone of 'equal pay', 'self-determination over one's own body' and 'end of patriarchal rape culture', is the cream free?” “We are killed, raped, harassed, discriminated against at work, if we are lesbians our right to parenthood is not recognized and guaranteed, if we are trans we are invisible, we suffer macro and micro aggressions every day in all aspects of our lives… Thank God, the men of the Democratic Party (and other lists, editor's note) reflect on the meaning of March 8 while eating ice cream, thus supporting one of the most chauvinistic, misogynistic and patriarchal aspects of the Bucci administration”, protests Alice Merlo, Genovese intersectional activist and feminist, who in 2021 witnessed the Uaar's awareness campaign on medical abortion.

The initiatives

A few weeks ago, the Region allocated 211 thousand euros to support the creation of four new anti-violence centers. An additional 70 thousand euros were invested by the municipality for the Vera project, a path for the inclusion of women victims of violence in foster homes. But outrage over the confectionery change remains. “Even a simple gesture like eating ice cream becomes an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of March 8,” they say. This simple gesture cost me the worst harassment I can remember, which left its mark for years, from the age of 13 and for a while I never ate ice cream in the street again.” commented Paola Miglio, who is part of Unstoppable Women's Network. He concluded: “I can thank a few masons who work in the square, but also a respectable gentleman who never missed an opportunity to make you feel bad. Imagine with ice cream. Obviously, we are like that, gently lickable.”

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