Franciacorta Festival at the Cave: all events

It is not just about vintages or beautiful reserves. The Franciacorta en Cave Festival is a journey into wine and its ability to shape a territory, to make it unique and inimitable.

This is why every year, more and more bubble lovers come back to visit the cellars of Franciacorta Consortium. There will be nearly 70 people who, from September 13 to 15will open their doors to you, and not only, to let you taste beautiful bottles with labels that the whole world envies us.

One more day to wander around the cellars

THE Franciacorta Festival in the Cellar This year, let's celebrate 25 years old. This is also why he decided to offer his many visitors an extra day to be able to taste everything that the wine cellars have to offer, but also the restaurants and the various reception activities of the festival, which will start on Friday September 13, and no longer on Saturday as in previous editions.

Adding a day will also serve to reflect and learn more about the world of wine and wine. viticulturewho created this wonder of nature, located between Brescia and Lake Iseoone of the most famous and appreciated corners of Italy abroad.

It will be on Friday, September 13, at 11 a.m., at the Auditorium San Salvatore, via Castello 2b, in Rodengo Saiano (Bs) that the debate will take place The Franciacorta Festival celebrates its 25th anniversary.

A meeting for professionals, hosted by the director of DOVE Simona Tedesco. The conference will retrace history of the Festival, but also to draw from this quarter of a century ideas and stimuli for the future and to make the next editions increasingly engaging and important. You, DOVE readers, will also be involved in the experience: in a detailed report you will be able to find out what was said (and done!) during the conference.

Not only bottles, but also exhibitions, concerts and games

Both historic and modern cellars will offer you tastings, courses and meetings with producers, oenologists and all those who work with passion so that their labels are always more appreciated.

But the Franciacorta Festival is not just about that. Walks in the vineyardsaperitifs at sunset, tours of historic homes and monuments. Concerts, exhibitions, workshops. And then treasure hunt and many other activities for children.

For a weekend that involves and entertains the whole family. And that knows how to offer, to young and old, a tailor-made course, to build according to your desires by choosing from the many activities offered over the three days.

It will also be possible to picnic in some vineyards during the Franciacorta Festival at the Cellar.

At the table, unusual combinations for special menus

Wine is also knowledge. One way to learn how to truly savor a vintage is to pair it with prepared meals ad hoc, to enhance the fruitiness of the glass or the robustness of the glass. This is why the Franciacorta Festival of Catina is also cooking. Quality.

THE local restaurants, in fact, they actively participate in the event, bringing to the table menus designed for the occasion. Help travelers to better appreciate wine and discover, through it, the flavors and aromas that slip from dishes into the memory of those who taste them. To stay there, as only indelible memories can do.

Lunches, dinners, but what about aperitifs or quick tastings accompanied by the best glasses. Each dish is designed to enhance the unique character of that glass, in a single continuous exchange of flavors and aromas that make the palate the best stage for this excellent gastronomy.

And then demonstration kitchen, cooking workshops and meetings with to cook to learn the secrets of local cuisine. Or steal recipe tips interpreted with originality and innovation.

Nearly 70 wineries will be open for this 25th edition of the Franciacorta Festival.

The Consortium offers a multisensory experience in Franciacorta

Also the Franciacorta Consortium, via Verdi 53, a Erbusco (Bs), invites the public to propose guided tastings with Common sense, an experience that will allow you to know and appreciate all the nuances of Franciacorta through a multi-sensory journey.

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The Franciacorta Festival, in fact, does not only aim to deepen the knowledge of this wine, appreciated and sought after internationally for years. But try, once again, to involve the public in educational experiencessurrounded by natural beauty places and hills that make some glasses truly divine.


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