The salary of Renato Brunetta, his deputies and the 60 CNEL councilors is in progress. 900 thousand euros have been allocated for the modification of the 2024 budget, he reports The fact. And next year the bill will be higher. The Pnrr decree transformed into law in April gave the green light to the recruitment of executives, civil servants and deputies. And it removed the rule that prevented the accumulation of pension and salary. In addition to having reduced the revision of expenses. Brunetta, the newspaper explains, will be able to accumulate up to 240 thousand euros, the maximum ceiling provided for managers of the Public Administration. His deputies and other advisers will receive an allowance equal to 20 and 10% respectively of the emoluments provided for the president.
Expenses and benefits
In total, a nice bill of 1.8 million euros per year from 2025. Then there are travel expenses, even abroad, which increase by 30 thousand euros. By 70 thousand those for participation in the work of the Council. Advertising and communication have benefited from an increase in the budget from 140 to 200 thousand euros, the skills of the president's collaborators have then increased from 250 thousand to 318 thousand. Net of the 300 thousand euros already planned for his secretariat. Expert fees increase from 150 to 250 thousand. The only item decreasing (-70 thousand euros) concerns agreements with other institutions.