what you need to know about how they work

The date is approaching US elections scheduled for November 5, 2024during which we will vote to choose the new president of the world's leading power. The United States has an electoral system that may appear complex to citizens of other countries, given that: elect the President is not the voters directly, but the so-called “electors”: these are the delegates, voted by the Americans representing the 50 states, who make up the Senate and the House. Each state, depending on the number of voters representing it, will have a certain weight in terms of votes. While waiting for the electoral confrontation between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, it may therefore be useful to delve deeper into the functioning of this great electoral “machine”.

A democratic process that takes place in different phases

Presidential elections in the United States are held every four years. The previous year, parties hold primary elections, during which they present to citizens their respective candidates for the positions of president and vice president. The person “candidate” for the latter position is generally the second most voted name in the same primaries. However, that of the President of the USA is in fact an indirect elective appointment. American citizens in fact choose by their votes the so-called “electors”, who will constitute the electoral college. The latter is the body responsible for appointing the president and vice-president of the United States.

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For all these reasons, in our latitudes, we are often surprised by an electoral process which continues well beyond the date of the vote. Indeed, if it is true that citizens will go to the polls on November 5, the electoral college will then have to meet and the actual nomination of the President will not take place before December. At the end, the swearing-in which will lead to his inauguration at the White House will take place on January 20, 2025.

The tradition of “voters” in American elections

The system that governs elections in the United States dates back to the nation's founding fathers, who codified the rules in the 1787 Constitution. each state has a number of electors equal to the number of its representatives in Congressthat is, the body that includes the House and the Senate. The number of deputies is determined based on the population size of each state.

However, the two senators to which each state is entitled must also be among the electors, regardless of the size of its population. Furthermore, the District of Columbiawhich surrounds the capital Washington, benefits from a Status special and can always count on three electors. Their total number is 538 and, To become president, a candidate needs at least 270 votes.

Early voting and support from adults star to the candidates

Starting in 2024, some states will allow voting before Election Day. The length of time you can vote early varies by state. In the current election, two representative examples are Illinois and Georgia. The latter, in particular, is considered a key state in the race for the White House and, from the first day of early voting, it recorded very high participation.

Without a doubt, the most important elections in international politics catalyze the interest of each country and attract more and more private investments to support the different candidates. This also includes the approval coming from the world of music and entertainment, with which celebrities actively support the campaigns of presidential candidates. Because of this, knowing how elections are played in the United States can also help us understand their political outcomeno matter what it will be.

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